Gold Member
Ha RKM - don't tell me that dark chocolate should be at room temperature... now I have taken it out the fridge and am looking forward to eating some at room temperature... and it is all your fault!I am sure I still won't like it though but I will give it a try just to be certain!
Just nipped into my local M&S to buy some veg and my god that was hard - they were baking and all I could smell were their milk chocolate cookies which are one of my favourite things! And I hadn't had any breakfast so it was absolute agony but I did resist, came home and cooked myself a bit of brown rice, stir fry onions and courgette with some turmeric and cumin and a fried egg on top (although I only eat the yolk as it is definitely the whites that make me feel sick) - not quite the same as a milk chocolate cookie! I haven't been having much rice at all to be honest as it definitely makes me bloated which is interesting. Just having that little bit now, I feel pretty horrible so I think I am not going to have it again. I seem to be doing ok just with meat/fish and veg to be honest although I am a bit worried I should be eating a bit more variety than that. I have introduced some berries over the last couple of days and have just bought some more NLY as I reckon I can stomach it if I have it with some berries - not sure how that really works with the Harcombe but I think I am veering more towards the Low GL type diet now anyway and they are apparently zero GL so as long as they don't start any sweet cravings off then I figure I am ok - and they are full of goodness! I am also eating some dairy again, but just a little bit of organic cheese and skimmed milk in my one cup of tea a day as I am not really a dairy fan anyway so I definitely will never crave it.
I don't think I have lost any weight though and won't be surprised if my scales say I am 12st tomorrow still to be honest (but I am feeling very fat right this second because I am bloated from the rice I suppose!). Anyway, we will see! I just hope it is worth it - I guess I am in a bit of turmoil because I am not that desperately overweight (although I definitely should be slimmer, no doubt about it, but I am tall so probably get away with it a bit better) and I have nearly always eaten tons of rubbish like chocolate and have, for example, stayed at just over 12st for the last couple of years - and that really is eating at least a couple of bars of chocolate a day! It is the lack of exercise now due to knee problems I think that is having the biggest effect - I can swim, but I don't have any spare hours in the day and to go swimming takes up a lot of time as ridiculous as it sounds - the pool is 15 mins drive away and I have long thick hair which needs to be dried, so to go swimming every other day or something would take up at least an hour and a half (if I am lucky) of my time. I am trying to sort my life out at the moment so I am not working so hard, but with debts to pay it is hard (and then of course you have to pay for the pool)... oh how I wish I had my own little indoor pool - I would be in heaven and probably nice and slim!!
And in answer to your question about work, thankfully I am not an accountant or book keeper or anything I just do a bit of freelance work on the side doing some accounts, and then I had my own tax return to do which I do normally get done much sooner than the deadline but it didn't happen this year! How people do book keeping all year round I just have no idea!
Well I have just weighed myself and I am 11st10 and body fat is 28.8% so there is definitely an improvement! Thank god for that! I am so so relieved that it is going in the right direction. I am going to weigh myself again on Friday and see how I am doing then
Excellent - well done!! Sounds like you def have an intolerance to rice though so i would knock that on the head! I understand what you're saying about the exercise - i have the same problem. It's not the hour in the gym or whatever, it's the hour around it to wash get there etc. But I am not beating myself up, i know that this plan will sort the weight out - then i can worry about toning when i'm there. I've not had a great weekend, been really binge weekend actually making kids cakes etc. But i am, as i said to myself i would be, back to a strict phase 1 today which started with porridge made with water and a bit of nly Low fat tho as i am not mixing this time. I have a chicken stirfry for lunch and will be having bolognaise with roasted BNS or celeriac chips for tea. I ordered the york blood intolerance test last week too so am hoping that comes soon, couple of weeks and i should definitely know what i'm intolerant to which will help. Keep up the good work xxx