Silver Member
Thanks Plumfoodie. I only have a blender so have to add a bit of oil before it blows up 
Just had this for tea minus the sugar and bread. It was gorgeous. I used of lemon and salt on the avocado too and didn't use the balsamic vinegar as not keen on it.
Warm avocado salad with spicy chorizo recipe - Recipes - BBC Good Food
Thankyou ladieswill try these out this week.
Just jumped on my scales and I've lost three pounds! And it's TOTM where I normally gain three pounds... I'm ecstatic :-D
Well done Welshmamma.I haven't weighed yet. I going to tomorrow tho on my normal WI day. I was a few lb up last week so I'll see if they've gone.
WI today. After a week of doing Primal "properly" ( we will gloss over the peanut episode of the week before cos I know know they are not nuts lol) I've lost 5 lbs. Very pleased with that as I've not had to fast either.On a normal week of alternative fasting I'd be lucky to lose 1 lb. In fact for weeks I sts. I have also eaten - OMG where's the blush icon ? - double cream, eggs, fatty meat, ( pork, beef and lamb), bacon, eggs by the score, fish, nuts, dark chocolate, two glasses of red wine on two different nights just to make sure it isn't agreeing with me ( it's not, so never again), cream cheese, chips made with swede, pancakes done in butter and a whole tray of coconut flour muffins. Wow. NSV lost 2 inches off my stomach. So bring on the meat.
The science is stacking up for me so I will continue.
Just made these Paleo nut balls and roll half in dark chocolate. Oh my! Yummy, yummy......
Having lamb tikka for tea with baby leaf salad for me and rice for dh. The lamb's been marinating since yesterday morning.