Starting S&S today!

You have done so well bordersgirl and an inspiration to newbies like me. You've got it all planned that is excellent i wish you all the best in your continued journey.

Day 6 for me had the oatmeal this morning not to my liking won't be ordering it again.

Todays my little man Safinn's forth birthday so lots of fun opening presents and playing as he already had a cowboy/cowgirl themed party on saturday gone. So a nice relaxing day of just playing.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Another re-re-re-re-te starter!!!
And that's not exaggerating lol
I haven't been able to get my head and self past day 2/3 for a while.
Did s&s at start of the year but kind of tailed off.
Just sat down to a double mac n cheese (didn't have breakfast) and I'm stuffed.
Going to weigh in Friday as a boost as Fridays are the most convenient day for me to weigh.
Worried what loss will be after only 3 full days though....???
Hey Darcy!

I reckon you could lose a couple of pounds still after 3 days :)

Good luck this time, just set yourself to stick at it for the first week and I bet by the end of the first week you will be well into it!

I'm having Chili for lunch, love it :D I'll post a piccy up soon.

Good luck everyone!
Chili - One of my favourites!



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I really like them Fairman, little spicy kick to it, which is good :)

Just had a Truffa bar, pretty nice.. rather have a chocolate milkshake! :( They should be here tomorrow via CityLink, cannot wait :D

Going ok today, just finishing my milk allowance with my 2nd cuppa, then fish and salad for dinner tonight. Not sure if having a 'meal' as opposed to a packet meal makes a difference, I know I feel more hungry with proper food, so might cut it down if I start to struggle.

Ordered some Ketostix from eBay, not sure if I mentioned that before, so I'll start checking my Ketosis state as soon as they arrive.
DarcyO - what do you think of the macaroni and cheese?

Is it your first day back on plan today?

How it been for you?
Today i had a banana shake for lunch it was really yummy. Then couple hours later i had the vanilla crisp cereal shake, didn't like it at all, drank it fast. For dinner i'm going to have spagetti and brocolli delicious. Day 6 for me and although i had a planned 2 days off at the wk end i am feeling good as ketosis as kicked in today. How's everyone today?
Hey Tayvion, good to hear you are doing ok!

Are you going to have the time off then or just carry on with it?

I have ordered the crispy shakes, mixed reviews, so I'm eager to try them!
Sorry i meant i already had the wk end just gone off. But now i will be remaining 100% until i reach my goal.

I am keen on the mac & cheese. I need to perfect the "cooking" process though, I found a few crunchy bits of pasta so guess a little more water/ longer in the micro is needed??

Yep, first day 100% for me today.
I started s&s in jan - new year resolution and all that. Managed about 2 weeks 100% then started getting a bit too complacent and decided to add the chicken. Chicken turned to chicken, olives, coleslaw, babybell and salad with homous lol

I did another 3 weeks worth of messing about on it - 2 packs then a meal - of the wrong sort, I think I lost about a stone in the 5/6 weeks but then didn't get back on it 100%

Tried a few more times since then, managed 100% through day but by 6:00pm EVERY day I could set my watch by it - the voices in my head took over - and I ate. Lol

I am pleased to say though - it is now 6:30pm and not craving/talking myself into anything lol
I feel like I have finally cracked it lol

How you getting on with the plan?
I'd recommend trying the shakes as mush too, mix them in a bowl using about 80-100ml water. I'm not keen on vanilla shake but as a mush it's like a thick custard type pudding. Again the cereal shakes don't work for me as shakes but are lush as a mush for brekkie :)

Strange thing is alot of people don't like the banana shake but I'm a big fan ... More strange is I don't like bananas lol

Ive had one protein and veg meal but within an hour I was hungry. It's 4 packs a day for me and will use the protein option if going out etc.

Wishing you loads of luck cx

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Hey everyone!

Day 7 - finally here!

Feeling good, was really hungry yesterday though, think it was mostly head hunger and not drinking enough water for that day.

Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow!

Feeli like I can stick at this plan long term, so fingers crossed we all get what we want from it.

New order arriving today at some point, can't wait, should make things a bit easier.

Got my oatmeal infront of me now, not sure what else to have today, depends when my order gets here.

Do you guys order 1 or 2 weeks at a time? I did a 2 week order this time, tempted by the discounts for the 4 weeks.

Morning all

I'm also on day 7 so will be weighing in tomorrow, although don't expect a huge amount loss due to my 2 days off but fingers crossed.

Tryed the oatmeal yesterday and the porridge today don't really like them just not for me. I will be doing a new order tomorrow. I'm going to do the mens 5 pack as its cheaper and its the same but instead of 5 a day like the men i'll stick to 4 a day and it will last me 5 weeks.

Also had the hazelnut shake didn't like it at all had to drink it really fast.
The oatmeal is like wallpaper paste, but I used to have normal oatmeal, so I think that's why I like it :)

After this order I'm going to order the mens 4 week pack too, says you save £50ish on the weekly amount, which is a lot.

By then I'll know that I'm definately going to do it and not waste my money like countless other diets products I've had before!

I think I order 1 Hazelnut shake, might just stick to the choc shakes as I know I like them.

Hope Safinn had a great birthday yesterday :D
Meant to ask, is anyone else having sugar free jelly? I am and doesn't seem to be affecting weight loss, also had a couple of pork scratching bits now and then, not really my thing usually but nice for a bit of 'crunch'.. ordered some pork puff things from the Low Carb Megastore but not sure when they will arrive.

I'm sure I read it on here from someone else, but can't find it.

I'd rather have that than ditch out of the diet.
Thanks Geegee he had a great day.
I think i'm just going to stick to the chocolate and banana shakes they are delicious.
I havn't had any sugar free jelly but don't really like it anyway.
I used to have porridge oats before joining s&s with honey and thats delicious. But s&s oatmeal and porridge its the smell and one is far to sweet.

Can't wait for weigh in. How much would you like to lose this week?
Have you peeped at the scales before weigh in day?
I havn't i wanted to but decided not to will just wait until tomorrow.
I've been on the scales every day lol :eek: but I wanted to lose at least 4-6lbs in my first week and should be on target to do that :) what about you? I can't believe you have resisted the urge to step on the scales, I need to throw mine away!

Just got my order! Wooop! I don't know what to have now haha, very pleased it's here as I was running low on things.

I might weigh myself just twice a week after tomorrow, otherwise it might affect how I view the diet each day and put me off.
I really wanted to step on the scales but decided not to just don't want to fall in to the habit of weighing everyday like i used too. So wanted it to be a surprise lol. I'm hoping between 3-7lbs and i'll be happy with that.
Thats the only thing with s&s is i'm spoilt for choice its hard to choose what to eat lol. I will be putting my order in tomorrow once i have sampled all products so then i can order what i like.