Hi Ange! I woke up today with that ketosis taste in my mouth and I felt sooo happy, especially as yesterday was tough for me, I was really struggling because night times tend to be worse for me (I was always a night eater) but I remained strong and just got into bed and let time do it's magic and before I knew it, I was asleep! I woke up feeling so proud of myself in the morning and I realised that if you can get through one day, you can get through a hundred, it's all in the mind - just focus on getting through that night, I watched a video about motivation and they said that if you think about short-term goals like getting to the end of the night, or the end of the week, it's more helpful than thinking "it's only 2 months" lol but it totally worked! I'm the same as you, i'm planning on 6 weeks, so it looks like we're on this journey together
It looks like it's just me and you active on the forum at the moment but I know people come and go, that's the nature of this diet and I totally can relate to everything you said - you have to be serious and it takes a number of attempts and becoming purely sick and tired before you decide to just do it! Is there a particular motivation for you this time? for me, I really want it to be the last time. I have learnt a lot about myself and food and diet from this diet, so it feels like it's just finishing off the final chapter before I start my new life book! lol i'm looking forward to my first weigh in and seeing my pharmarcist, she's strict so even the thought of breaking my diet scares me which is a good thing lol I look forward to hearing from you and yes it's going to be so worth it so let's keep going