Starting tomorrow! Scared and excited!

Aww thanks. Now I'm crying. This is a night for a long hot bath and a good sulk. Might even stick a weepy movie on in bed. I hate days like this. So sorry for moaning on here but I feel like you all understand. My lipotrim buddy's. Thank god for each and every on of you!!
I know exactly how you feel hunni.... get a soppy movie on and have a god cry!!! Then a bath.... and think of how good that red will taste in 38lbs time!!! : ) xxx
I think we all get days like this and its horrible when you do have down days :( they SUCK big time! I hope its helping hearing that we all suffer days like this and its not just you honey. And feel free to moan away ...we all need to vent sometimes and better to do it here because we are all in the same boat ;) and understand x x x
Good morning everyone. For the first time since I started this diet I had an easy Saturday. Typically saturdays are my bad day when I crave all sorts of bad food and drink but yesterday it didn't bother me, I just took it in my stride. I don't for one minute think it's going to be easy from here on in but I wonder if thats another habit or cycle I've managed to break. I also know how easy it is to fall back into bad patterns so will be working hard on this one once I come off lipotrim.

My dad is interested in starting now. He said he's been so impressed by my results he's going to talk to his GP and see if he's allowed to go on it (he has some health issues). I'm like my Dad in that when I put my mind to something there is no stopping me so I know if he does decide to start on it he'll do very well. My mum on the other hand....well I think she would make it to day one lol!!!

I tried on that black top I bought myself 3 weeks ago and it fits!!!! I was so excited. I'm off to a Chase & status gig with my brother on the 21/10 so planning on wearing it then. I'll need new jeans and I treated myself to new high heeled boots the other day so I'm very excited about being excited getting dressed up, if you know what I mean. I had been planning on going for a meal and drinking that evening but no way am I breaking the diet now. My brother will be more than happy to have me drive him about anyway so no problems there.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Take care. P xx
Do you know what Deezer, I am feeling pretty good. I think I finally realise that I am going to do this. I know I keep saying it but it's been you and the other girls on here who have got me through the past 5 weeks and for that I am eternally grateful. I think I've failed before because I've never had the support network. But sometimes you need someone who's going through the same thing to nudge you in the right direction. I hope you have had a good 100% weekend lol!!! Xx
Do you know what Deezer, I am feeling pretty good. I think I finally realise that I am going to do this. I know I keep saying it but it's been you and the other girls on here who have got me through the past 5 weeks and for that I am eternally grateful. I think I've failed before because I've never had the support network. But sometimes you need someone who's going through the same thing to nudge you in the right direction. I hope you have had a good 100% weekend lol!!! Xx
Ooooh thats great!!!

My migraine is going now.... still a bit sensitive to the lights and a bit sicky but well on the mend!!!

Nearly caved.... thinking if i just have a bit of something i'll be ok!!! But i didn't!!! Makes me more determined!!

: ) x
Oh no. I didn't know you were poorly. I missed that. I use my phone a lot and I think I must miss a lot of posts. I hope you are feeling better now. Migranes are awful because once the pain goes you feel so drained. Well done for staying strong. xx
Just a rough day yesterday... a bit stressed out and it kicked one off!!! Its nearly gone now thanks!!! x
Oh Pamdev I'm so excited for you that your saturdays are getting easier and easier, well done !! You are going to look so foxy at your gig we will need to see pictures you understand x
Just a rough day yesterday... a bit stressed out and it kicked one off!!! Its nearly gone now thanks!!! x

Sorry to hear you were ill yesterday sweet cheeks and glad you are feeling a bit better today :bighug:
congratulations lovely that is marvellous news x
well done chick thats fantastic new! xx
Woohoo :D you must be sooo happy :D x x x
Thanks so much girlies. It was a good feeling. I am starting to fit into some 14's now which is just bliss. Such a good feeling. I'm actually looking forward to my weigh in on Saturday. Hope everyone else is having a good week so far. Xx