I agree, warm bath, early night and panadol with yet more water. Tomorrow you will feel much better. When you weigh you will feel even better still, fantastic, proud of yourself and quickly forget this difficult time. It does pass quickly and the rewards are fantastic.
We can tolerate hunger, its just we have not had much practice at it; we have not learnt how to manage hunger - no experience, we never learnt to hold the sensation and wonder what to do with it. Our learnt response is 'I am hungry - eat as soon as possible!' We have been taught probably from birth to satisfy hunger as soon as we can but can also learn we don't have to. its not easy but this site shows its possible. Hunger is only a sensation - its not life threatening - you will survive ok. Try to distract yourself and it will all be fine. Good luck for tomorrow,
If this sounds a bit smug I am sorry, its not easy. I don't think it is, it's dam hard. If it was easy no-one would be over weight and need this diet and this site.
If it was just a matter of eating less we would, but it isn't. We have a life time of conditioning and experience telling us that if we ignore hunger pangs something bad will happen - but it wont. Sleep well.