
It's weird I don't feel like I'm missing food but I just keep thinking about it' actually I just realised how much time I spend grazing!! Gonna have to learn eating is not a past time!!! I'm cross stitching at the mo which is distracting x
That's exactly what I've come to realise over these last few days - exactly how much time I spend snacking. It's almost like my hobby! I feel like I've got more time on my hands now I'm doing exante lol x
*jenjen* said:
That's exactly what I've come to realise over these last few days - exactly how much time I spend snacking. It's almost like my hobby! I feel like I've got more time on my hands now I'm doing exante lol x

Lol I know! I'm only on day one and my house is cleaner, I have done the lunches for tomorrow and I'm sitting listening to music an on my minimims app feeling quite pleased with myself! Normally I'm feeling tired and I force myself to get up early in the mornings to do the lunches and there is no other activity that makes me feel rubbish other than the constant grazing!!! I did have some turkey but I am not going to have anything else and I have drunk more water and coffee and the hunger is not so bad

How have you got on today? Do you ever eat a little protein? X
ive now reaised i must have been eating all afternoon then from 6pm onwards so i need to distract myself around these times im not hungry but you just end up wanting food for the sake of eating although i did eat some gammon today but still no carbs
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has more time on their hands for the same reasons lol!

I've not eaten anything, I've just had the shakes, soup and bars. I don't think I can trust myself just now. Although I did have a dream last night I ate a tomato and was terrified I would come out of ketosis. I don't even like tomatoes lol . X
I jeep having dreams I've been tempted to eat a bigmac that takes me out of ketosis by my other half! I wake up angry with him!!
I wonder if I will have food dreams?! I hope not I have enough trouble in waking hours!