Hello! Can i join please? I'm a stay at home mammy (for the time being anyway) on maternity leave still

i've got Cai who has just turned 3 and starts nursery school in September EEEEK!

and Nia who is 21 weeks today
I'm breastfeeding Nia still, almost exclusively, she is having the odd taste of mush on days were she "asks" for it, dont ask me to describe what she does lol but she is still feeding from me as much if not more than before cos obviously she wants a drink rather than a feed after the mush and she WILL NOT take a bottle of anything, my milk, formula, water, juice.
I'm a qualified nanny so hoping to go back to being self employed come the end of Novemeber, i specialise in out of hours nannying and babysitting, evenings, weekends, overnights, weddings, parties, holidays, hotels etc.
i've been at SW since end of May and lost 2 stone between having Nia mid March and then, and have lost 1 stone 6.5lbs since joining SW on EE plan. Still a LONG way off goal but i am really pleased with progress so far