Step 1 Sole Source Step 1 Sole Source: Diary of a soon to be slim girl

Well done on sticking to the diet, I enjoy having the meal of an evening, makes u feel a bit better, bars are good when u out the mint and the malt ones are my favorite,

Thanks Sarah, I managed a small meal of chicken breast and broccoli last night, tonight I can't face anything other than my packs. So I might do every 2nd day. I also tried a peanut bar which was delicious but it took my an hour to eat it.x
Well it's the end of week 4, and another 3lbs off. Still feeling motivated but spending my life baking and cooking delightful delicacies, which I can't eat, but the family can enjoy. My CPC says I have become a feeder, finding happiness from others enjoying food. Hope this stage of my journey goes quite quickly! Am knackered! :p
Well done, I'm so pleased week 4 is over. My weigh in isn't until the tomorrow but not hopeful for much. I've started to see/feel a difference now, have you? Week 5 already, feels like its gone quick, hope the next 4 weeks are as quick :) x
I can definitely see and feel a big difference in my clothes, Liz, which has helped to keep me going, but a few stressful situations have crept up on me at home and I am really struggling today. I know that some people on here have said that sometimes a wee day off helps! But not sure if it's worth it. I will see how my emotions hold up today.:cry:
Oh no. Hope your ok and staying strong. I'm loving the feeling of my clothes getting bigger :)
Hope the rest of your weekend is good. X

Wk 1 -8lb
Wk2 -6lb
Wk3 -3lb
Wk4 -4lb