Yes it definitely is! I'm going to try make the porridge again tomorrow and hope for the best. I'd rather it was too runny then too thick. Just had my mint chocolate shake and it was pretty nice and surprisingly filling.. My councillor told me to down a pint of water with every meal beforehand so I guess that helps too. How did your day go?
Hi Gemma_Charlotte (and everyone!), Love this inspirational thread - I'm on day 3 SS, and as I'm 5'8" I'm on 4 shakes a day (to start) and I find it really helps me to have one every 4 hours-ish; i've done this CWP journey in the past and lost 5 stone, so I reckon it's about time I got my life back lol
Wow that's fantastic on week two!! You must be so happy! Wow a stone! And in two weeks? Congrats
I've got peanut bar for lunch tomorrow lol! Love them but I'm totally with you on the saw jaw lol! xx
Ahh mint chic is really good too forgot about that as I haven't had it for a while lol! Yeh I try to do that too! It does actually really help! When is your first weigh in?
Day actually went really well. Can't believe I'm on day 4 of being 100% already! x
Hey Beverleywow 5 stone! That is incredible! How are you finding it returning to cwp? I'm finding it really hard but want this to be the last time so I'm persevering
looking forward to seeing how you do xx
good morning gemma how are you getting on ? I'm now in week 2 (weigh in day on Wednesday) I won't be weighing myself till Saturday though as I treated/binged and had a nandos so don't want to be to disappointed by weekly weight loss. I have now started to treat myself with clothes rather than the odd meal every now and again as it motivates me that extra little bit. Hope you are still going strong![]()
Okay so I have the toffee & walnut porridge & I got the consistency right its just a little lumpy.. However it tastes pretty good. Makes me feel like i'm not missing out too much as i'm "eating". Chicken & mushroom soup later for lunch. My first weigh in is next Monday at 7pm & i'm looking forward to it! YAY! Well done! I was watching some imspirational videos with Dual Dynamics & that's really spurred me on even more!
Hi Gemma_Charlotte, I did a really good 11 days then had a family dinner that resulted in me struggling for 5 days - story of my life: if I dare to cheat it throws me totally off track .... So no more sneaky nibbles! All we can do is persevereYou're doing really well hon x I'm going to weigh myself on Wednesday so I'll let you know how I get on ; I'm on day 4 too - when do you WI? I joined a 'lose 2 stone for Christmas' challenge on here to keep me honest lol I hope you have a great SS day! Bev x
Heya im new to all this downloaded the minimins app on my phone yesterday and havnt stopped looking for inspiration since then lol i start the CD saturday where i will meet my consultant i am excited and a lil nervous love food and really really dont want to cave in! Im hopin bein here will give me all the support i need x![]()
Yes last night i was up till 3 am watchin duel dynamics couldnt beleive itjust want to get stuck in? How long have you been doing CD and are u on ss? Lovely to meet u btw i cannot put a profile pic up for some reason how annoying :/ x
Glad you liked it.. Makes it a little easier if you actually like what you're having I findit's good because other people have cuppa soups too in the office so I know where your coming from. Hate taking the shaker into work.. So I try avoiding that at all costs!
Ahh I need to look at this.. I've seen quite a few people mention it over the last few days![]()
Have a fab rest of the day, catch up later xx
Hi Joseph, thanks for joining inyou'll still be getting a weigh in this week which is good! I've found that I need to weigh myself good or bad to see how much damage can be done! I'm totally with you on the clothes front! It's like dressing a new you
Still going strong and wanting tomorrow to come round quickly! Gonna treat myself to a cambridge bar for tomorrow's weigh in treat... Living the life huh![]()
Is this your first time on cambridge? x
Ahhh ok yeah said i need to post at least 50xs lol (bit steep) oh well lol yeah i have a lil boy he is 3 and since havin him ive just got lazy and piled on the pounds dont feel comfortable goin to family partys etc and il often think of excuses not to have to go, im not overly obese or anything but just dont feel happy in myselfi wont wear sleevless tops even in the summer and i live in black or cardis or leggins just feel so frumpy like theres sooo many things i want to be able to wear and feel amazing in, i cant remember the last time i felt amazing
im goin to go ova to consultants house sat morn (tough day to start lol) and go with the ss yeah stick with the shakes im thinking, ive got to try and get used to the drinkin sooo much water.. How do u do that? What amount do u tend to drink? Well done on all the weight loss!!!
thats brilliant.. I hrd the 1 st weigh in is always the most exciting as u tend to lose a huge amount is that correct? Also did u bloat from the water retention from drinkin so much of it? Xx