Steph's 2013 Culinary Journey


Silver Member
I signed up to WW last week on Thursday, as a way to keep myself accountable, I am on a journey to shed 2.5 stones and to get in shape while eating as clean as possible.

I love my food, and I also love a nice glass of wine as well, so I have to balance to two out.

Yesterday I made a proper roast beef with all the trimmings, so I have used a good fair few of my weeklies, but I did go for a run and will go to spin class today as well. I like this new plan of working out why we feel like we do about food and cravings, and feel that I am in a place where I will actually shift the weight! I am also training for a 10K and half marathon later this year, so watch this space.

So yesterday's menu

B: porridge made with water and skim milk from allowance
L: homemade veggie soup, ryvita, lc lite
D: Roast beef, 1 homemade yorkie, 4 roast potatoes, parsnip puree, leeks, gravy

S: satsuma, gherkin, vegan protein shake
E: 35 min run, 1 hour walk
W: 1.5 litres

Today so far:

B: 1 egg, 1 egg white, 1/2 large courgette
L: veggie soup, 2 gherkins, 1 tsp peanut butter
D: Seabass fillet roasted with capers, lemon, 1 tsp olive oil, with basmati rice, roast courgette and onion

S: crumpet, lurpak lightest
E: 30 min spinning
W: 2 litres

And I found out some good new, the banrock station reduced alcohol wine is only 3 pts per medium glass, woohoo, so I don't need to give up a glass of wine occasionally in the evening

Here's to a happy and active 2013!