I don't know how I did it but I got my bum out of bed at 6am today! I've always said that I want to become an early riser, but never managed to get out of bed. So glad I did today, I did the 30 day shred then went out for a half an hour walk. Plus a cup of green tea when I first woke up too. Does green tea have any points btw? I'm assuming it doesn't. Anyway, here's the menu I have planned for today, I'll edit it if anything is different at the end of the day!
June 3rd - The Plan!
Breakfast - 5
WW Bagel - 4
WW Jam - 1
An apple - 0
Lunch - 11
McDonald's chicken salad deli - 9
Fruit bag - 0
WW cheesy puffs - 2
Dinner - 6
WW mexican chilli - 6
Snacks - 4
A piece of toast with low fat spread - 4
Daily points used - 28/30
Weekly points used - 0/49
AP earned - 4
AP used - 0
I've also had the new WW cookbook sat on my table for about a fortnight, hoping to actually try some things this week- atm I have the mozzarella, tomato and ham quesadila, sesame beef noodles and Aubergine, lemon and bean stew planned. A bit excited! I think part of the problem for me was getting bored of the same things, need to start cooking (or getting the mother to do it for me ;D)
Have a good day everyone, I feel like I will!