Hi guys, well we had snow! But our school was the only one in Plymouth to stay open, which I thought was odd!! I wasn't going to take them in at first, I'm not in walking distance and it was still snowing first thing. But then it stopped and brightened up so got them there by 10am.
Decided first thing to sod the dd today lol!! I was cold enough last dd without going out in snow and stuff, don't think I could've done it today, so I didn't!! Had stew again for dinner, yum yum, always goes down well in this weather

My toes were literally frozen after picking boys up from school this afternoon, and that was with big socks on!!! At least I didn't have to get up to the horses today, my friend did them as she could get up there in her 4wd.
Think the school will be closed tomorrow tho as expecting a lot of ice tonight. My sister is the headmasters PA and spoke to her this evening and she said they prob will have to close as it'll just be too dangerous for everybody to get there plus the playgrounds will be lethal. Will find out in morning. Hubby has been out gritting/snow ploughing all day, he's just got in now for dinner, but is on call tonight too so expect him to be out again sooner or later. Bound to be some nutty people trying to drive once the slush turns to ice and they'll be accidents
Such a little bit of snow causes so much chaos, esp for a city that hardly ever sees the white stuff! I mean we only had a little bit compared to other places!! My friend (the gay one lol!!) that works on the local radio said they were totally snowed under (haha!) this morning, was just totally manic with all the school closures and warnings etc. They had to had a special 'snow plan' meeting after, I mean wtf!! For about 1-2cms of snow!!! God knows what will happen if Plymouth gets about a foot of the stuff! Mass panic!!! Well we're meant to be getting more at the weekend so yikes!!!
Well I'll stop waffling lol! Hope everybody else has has a good day and not had too much hassle with this weather!!