Hey girlies. Yes had good day, haven't been feeling too well this week, got a bad tummy (some sort of bug) but don't feel like eating much so not all bad!
Spent over two hours in hairdressers today being pampered, did have loads of housework to do but stuff that it can wait lol! So as you can see I've had a totally hectic day! wasn't good tho as was going to play with phone whilst sat in hairdressers waiting for the dye, but stupid me hadn't charged it and it died as soon as I took it out, so had to make do with a magazine lol! Anyway hair now looking all lovely
Katie virtual kick to m's arse must've worked as he's gone out and I have laptop

Off to hairdressers again tomorrow, nope I've not gone mad, my little girl's turn

Have to take my old cat to vets in morning tho as he's not very well

He's lost loads of weight really quickly, drinking loads of water and he has a cyst or something on his neck

Poor boy, so hoping everything is ok with him.
Anyway I is off, need some sleep!!! Night night xx