Thanks helzzz, Liv and tillymax
Liv - I'm on Green days only, I'm veggie so EE or Red would do nothing for me
I got a bit confused today, we has no fruit in so I decided to take 2 alpen lights as a HEB, until I remembered that I was meant to be having philadelphia instead
So I was all prepared to count the one Alpen light that I had eaten as syns, but then I realised that I was only going to eat half a HEB of philadelphia anyway. It seems very silly now, not worth writing about really
So today was:
Crunchy Bran (B), Milk (A). Yogurt (1)
Leftover new potatoes and baked butterbeans
Jammy dodgers (4.5)
Yogurt and banana snack, 1 alpen light (0.5 B)
leek and pea pasta with philly (0.5 B) and some grated cheese (A), 2 slices garlic ciabatta (5 syns)
The plan for tomorrow, while I'm here...
Cereal (B) and Milk (A), fruit
Leftover pasta (B)
Some form of chocolate (5)
SW-friendly lasagne (A for cheese)
Don't know what I'll use the other syns for yet