Thanks everyone,
I'm glad i'm not alone in this because i certainly feel it.
I've unfortunately had a lot of bad things happen to me in my life and no doubt this is all due to it... As well as losing my whole family i have had terrible personal things happen also, it is hard to carry on but i know my mum woudln't have me doing it any other way.
I've got the dr's appointment tomorrow morning so i'll go along and see what he has to say, it isn't my usual GP so i doubt he'll know my family history but i can give him a brief synopsis, thing is, i'm adament i don't want pills. That's not the solution at all. Been there, done that, i was on anti depressants from the age of 13-17 on and off when everyone around me started dying but it didn't do anything, it just made me feel dependent on them and i coudln't leave the house without them.
Ah i'm rambling again. I'll be ok, the attack just scared me tis all, i'm still the glittering bundle of positivity i always am, just with other things on my mind too lol.
*A massive hug to all the people who have shown me love and support* xxxxx