struggling on low gi diet


New Member
hi all i'm sascia and have just been placed on low gi diet for health reasons and i have gained to much weight i'm 11 stone 7lbs, but as i am on a low income i cant afford to buy all this stuff that will get thrown away as my 14 year old has a food problem ie she borderline anorexia an wont eat fruit or veg, forgot im only 5 foot so you can see the weight gain well i can lol, what can i do ,i,m disabled so cannot do exersize and now my dr is getting me stressed help please or any ideas
Hi sascia, Welcome, have you talked to the Dr about your worries, I have to go to the vege shop a couple of times a week otherwise I waste food if I buy in bulk, I guesstimate how much I would eat and buy half when I get the rest of my food and drop in mid week to refill. I also swap foods with my sister.

Good luck