

Full Member
Hi all I wondered if anyone could offer advise im really struggling.

I stopp smoking 75 days ago and have been watching my weight too.. I seem to lose 2lb then gaim it back and more .. im bingeing on food like mad

Im 4stone at least over weight already and really dont want to keep increasing my waistband .. im not goimg to smoke again but im so down especially with summer on the way
.. please someone tell me this is possible .... :confused:
Firstly, congratulations on stopping smoking!

I too have a problem with binging. I think the key is to make sure you don't go too long without eating as if you get ravenous then you can binge. Most fruit on weight watchers is zero points so that is good for snacking on.

I've lost and regained the same few pounds it feels like, hopefully I'm getting past that now. Lots of other people have successfully lost weight on weight watchers so I have hope.
Thanks im going to stick with it and hope it calms down a bit .. I need to plan and organise myself I didnt think it would be this mentally hard :eek:
Giving up smoking tends to cause people to pile on the weight.
Whether it's due to when having an urge, going for food instead of cigarettes or because once you give up smoking, you start being able to taste food properly again and people enjoy that so much that they eat more.

But stick with it.
It'll pass.
You're doing so well with the quitting. Keep it up.

As ununpentium said, there are plenty of 0pp foods that you can snack on.

How many points are you on daily?

Im on 34 pp a day. Ive been a bit better and my totm has come so o think that didnt help. I find it alot harder to lose and even harder not to gain

Im sticking tho I hit 80days no smoking today amd therrs no way im throwing that away x
You've done very well.
All that money you've been saving instead of buying cigarettes should be put to one side, and then you can treat yourself when you lose weight.

Maybe set some goals like when you lose 1 stone, treat yourself. Keep the motivation going.

But yeah, I'm sure totm didn't help. Mine's on it's way for the first time since starting ww.

34pp is a good amount I'm sure you'll lose once you get into the flow of things.

Do you do any exercise? Are there any fitness classes near you you could go to? Help boost your metabolism a little? Things like aquafit or my current favourite is Zumba.
We will get you through this! Keep posting, keep us updated on how you are doing, gains, losses, binges, when you've done well and want to share your success. Talk to us, we're all in the same place - wanting to lose weight. It's not something that can be done alone easily. We're here to support you =D
Thanks loads it really helps knowing there is somewhere to unload to lol

Today was a good day bf birthday but we went for a long walk with the dog and not had a bad t ever a chicken mash and peas yum im sure ill fit in a peice if cake later but just a little .... ill point it all up asap

I started the couch25k and im doing the race for life in july im getting better and try to go out twice a week at least it also keeps me in check for smoking cos there is no way I can run and smoke with smokers lungs lol :)