thank you! i am now back to my best weight before the dreaded wedding/birthday bashes which have deffo taught me that i must really really want to cheat before i do anything like that again, the stress of trying to get my ketosis back!!! i thought i would never get back into losing.
Tried to sit down and sort my finances out today, i want to give up work so much i really hate it! i have been there 11 years and i am so sick of all the crap, the changes that go round in circles and end up back the way they were some 10 years ago, the idiots coming in with BRIGHT ideas... the software changes which have caused us all so much heart ache and stress over the past few years, and now the management have changed things so much, where we were once protected and secure at work we are now vulnerable and liable if things go wrong. they have made it such that any complaints result in it being our fault, where once, the software backed us up totally and nothing could have been our fault. we have become scapegoats and when you are dealing with peoples lives in your hands for the rate of pay hmmmmm shove it i say! RANT OVER! so i have been sitting there with my lists of direct debits and outgoings and looking at the incomings and weighing up whether we could survive without my wage. i only do part time but its a gruelling rota which really screws up family life etc and as a part time wage its good. so there is my dilemma. on paper it looks good, but we are always overdrawn now, not sure how we manage it from the income v outgoings but hey.. must stop wasting money i guess!!