Nice ticker!
For some reason I hadn't clocked how much you've lost - well done!! Bet you feel heaps better for it! (I've lost a similar amount and I know my knees are thanking me!)/QUOTE]
i do feel a lot better than when i first started, i had really painful knees i couldnt walk downstairs without agony, i was wheezy and breathless i had never been that heavy. Its been gradual for me, i lost about a stone on atkins then tried ww lost another 3, was on that for about 8 months and stopped. i put a stone back on and decided to start again this time with atkins, so i had a break in between which has probably helped me. One thing i was glad about was the weight didnt pile straight back on either it was gradual, and at least i stopped before it got out of control. I am glad i had the break in the middle because at 17st 10 it seems like such a long slog ahead and that can scupper the whole thing.