Silver Member
Regarding the Muller Lights - my understanding is this...
Back when Success Express was first developed, it was back in the day where the only SW plans were Red and Green. EE had not yet been introduced.
Back in those days, anything that was free on both plans (Certain types of Quorn, Eggs, Cottage Cheese, Mullers etc etc) were called Superfree, and it didn't just apply to fruit and veg.
Therefore, for Success Express, anything that is free on both days is considered to be Superfree.
That's how I understand it anyway, feel free to correct me
Back when Success Express was first developed, it was back in the day where the only SW plans were Red and Green. EE had not yet been introduced.
Back in those days, anything that was free on both plans (Certain types of Quorn, Eggs, Cottage Cheese, Mullers etc etc) were called Superfree, and it didn't just apply to fruit and veg.
Therefore, for Success Express, anything that is free on both days is considered to be Superfree.
That's how I understand it anyway, feel free to correct me