Hi Flopster,
I know where you're coming from, however, we know deep down, we are doing the right thing.
I am on day 27 of LL, like you I'm a slow loser compared to the others in my group. Last night I went for a quick WI as I can't make mondays group, and guess what?...I had lost zilch!. I came home and stomped my feet like a spoilt brat
I thought about all the walking I'd been doing on the treadmill, all the GALLONS of water I've forced down my throat

all the food I've not touched, I'm sure you get the picture

I just couldn't believe I hadn't lost anything!
Once I'd calmed down, my OH pointed out that:
a) There's no way I can't lose weight on this diet.
b) Look at what I've achieved since I started out.
c) It's about the journey not the scales
And he's right...again lol
I must also add, previously, had I been following any other kind of diet, I would have immediately thrown in the towell and eaten for England
So let's throw away any negative thoughts, they are sooooooooo not our friend, and bring on the positives...big time.
I am going to give 100 days 100%. I know my body is changing shape, many of my clothes are hanging off my shoulders now, so it's working.
I am about to go to Norfolk for a few days, and although my OH will be able to enjoy lovely meals out, I will sup my delicious

soup and shakes lol. It's not like I'm never going to eat "real" food again. I have made a choice to lose lots of weight and get my life back.
Please stick with it, you have come such a long way in so little time.
I feel without reading your post, I might easily have given up. Thanks for sharing.
I might not be online much in the next few days, but, I will be thinking of you, and all the other people on here who are changing thier lives, for the better.
Bye for now and look out Norfolk , here I come