B***h, b***h, b***h. My OHs ex has persuaded his eldest daughter to move back with her (she lives/lived with him while the younger lived with her mother) by promising her a new laptop and lots of new clothes. She has also piled on the guilt by saying how much her sister misses her.
The thing is, the maternal grandmother will be doing the buying as the mother is on 40 cigarettes a day and gets in takeaways every night. She has told my OH that she wants exactly the same for the 2nd girl as she gets for the first one. She is in for a shock as they have a private arrangement for child maintenance but using the CSA calculator, 2 girls will only be £14 a week more than he is paying now, dropping to £5 a week once Owen and I move in. So he has told her to go through the CSA. Obviously he will buy the girls stuff on top, but it will be what he wants - not a donation towards her fags and pizza.
Most of the cigarettes she smokes is while she is sitting on the computer most of the day and night chatting to men in various countries - which is how she broke their marriage up in the first place. Because she is up all day and night on that she can't be bothered to get a job. In fact because she was up all night chatting to one man in the States in particular, she was going to bed during the day and not taking the girls to school. The youngest girl missed out on about 6 months.
There are some really good after school and holiday clubs in the area so she has no excuse to not work- I did it and so do countless other women.
Rant over!!!