Sorry for taking so long to reply. Very ashamed of myself!
My dad has got prostate cancer but it hasn't spread. He has 3 months of hormone injections and then 3 months of daily (weekday) radiotherapy. It means he has to go to Lincoln every day which is a bit of a trek but he's accepted that. At the end they reckon his tumour will be shrunk right back and, having just turned 73, it's not likely to grow back too much by the time old age gets him!
Owen's bowling league had a fun day yesterday with a huge nibbly buffet and I managed to not eat a thing!
I KNOW Cambridge isn't everyone's cup of tea but it's working for me at the moment. I will definitely by returning to SW in about 3 stones time as I do like the plan.
Lots of stress with other half's ex. More and more credit she's taken out in his name is surfacing. Unfortunately loads are catalogues that didn't insist on a signed credit agreement and as they were started after mid-2007 he can't used the 'no credit agreement so don't have to pay' argument. In addition he's still paying off £25k of debt incrued thanks to her and her spending.
I had an interview for a job last Wednesday which pays well. If I get it one of the first things we're going to do is pay for him to go bankrupt. Not an easy decision but he has no assets and we rent. He really isn't trying to shirk his responsibilities but it is making him all. And it is all caused by the b***h. The stupid thing is, he knew what she was like but still married her!
After the bankruptcy we'll buy his youngest some proper shoes as mother buys cheap, plastic type things that are ruining her feet! Poor thing! I know the b***h will kick up merry hell if she comes home with proper shoes etc but tough s**t.
Right, sunny day. Off to beach. Wanted to go to Battle Abbey but b***h sent youngest round in cheap, strappy, plastic sandals so no chance!