Da Daaaaaaaaaa
3lb off!!!



I am really pleased, as I felt I really struggled early in the week! (Which I have now put down to the Demon Juice that is Pepsi Max!)
I was CRAVING Chocolate Sooooo Bad!!! :17729:
I also think that the the extra sins have helped.
When I look at my Slimming World Graph, I can really see a differtence in my losses from when I cut out bread! My losses have really increased, so maybe bread does'nt really agree with me.
At the same time as cutting out Bread, I started drinking Green Tea, so maybe its a mixture of the two?
My friends came round last night, who I have not seen for about 2 months and she could'nt get over how much weight I had lost! But I was really dismisive and did'nt like talking about it! I still feel in myself, Like I am nearly 25stone - Not nearly in the 20's!!! :needhug:
She wanted to talk about it and ask what I had been doing but I was really embarrased. When I told her how much I had lost, she said I should be shouting it from the roof tops, not going all dismisive!
I do wonder, when I will feel like I have really lost weight???!! In my head, I think its the 4 stone mark!!