SugarPlum (24st) to TinkerBell (12st)

Hiya Sugar, doing my diary catch-ups. Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly :( Hope you're not dragging yourself into work again if you're still as bad as you were on your last post :bighug:
Afternoon everyone, gl to all wednesday weighers, hope you're all having a good day and Sugar hope you're feeling better today hunni xxx

Just popped on to say I AM ALIVE but only just!! Lol

Been feeling sooo poorly and I have completely been off plan!! I have been too ill to cook and Hubby has been working silly hours, so not fair to ask him to start at 8pm!!

So I have been playing takeaway bingo!! I think I have had everyone imaginable this week!! :-(

I need to get myself better WI on sat and take the gain on the chin an carry on!!

I am out again this weekend, so my intention is to be an angel on the following Mon to fri!

I think I just want Christmas out of the way, so I can get my head 100% back on plan!!

The SW mag dropped through my door today and I haven't even opened it!! :-0

I have opened some Christmas chocolate though! :-( I don't know why I have gone off the rails so much, I am hoping it's because I have been ill!

Once I get my sparkle back, my mind will hopefully get back on plan!!

WHY HAS'NT SOMEONE INVENTED THAT MAGIC PILL YET??!! The one you take and loose 10stone!!
Because if you could lose 10 stone by taking a pill then minimins wouldn't exist!!! And we wouldn't have all met x

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lsf666 said:
Because if you could lose 10 stone by taking a pill then minimins wouldn't exist!!! And we wouldn't have all met x

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Awww.. So Sweet and so True! :) xxx
Hey sweetie, feel better soon :hug99:
Positive thinking is the way forward, we are all doing it, thanks to Jackie :hug99: and writing it down and it just seems to work.
Write down 3 (minimum) positives everyday, can be about just seems to put you in a good mood and then sticking to plan isn't a chore at all...give it a go, can't lose anything by it :bighug: xxx
JackieN said:
:bighug: sweetie... so sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly. This time just before christmas is definately the hardest. New year gives you that push to carry on :D

Hope you soon feel better xxxxxxxxxxx

Lily42uk said:
Hey sweetie, feel better soon :hug99:
Positive thinking is the way forward, we are all doing it, thanks to Jackie :hug99: and writing it down and it just seems to work.
Write down 3 (minimum) positives everyday, can be about just seems to put you in a good mood and then sticking to plan isn't a chore at all...give it a go, can't lose anything by it :bighug: xxx

Thank You, you two wonderful ladies! :)

I am still rough today and it's been blooming SNOWING!!

Off to work again, loaded up with my lemsips, echinacea, vit c and olbas oil!! :-(

The whole office smelt of olbas oil yesterday! Lol

At least it's Friday and I can have a nice lie in tomorrow!

I took a peek at the scales this morning... 3lb on!!! OMG!! But my steroids have been doubled and I have been living off takeaways, so what did I really expect??!!

Now it could miraculously disappear by morning... So fingers crossed!! ;-) LOL

I AM NOT GOING TO GET DOWN ABOUT IT. I know why... Onwards and downwards!! (well onwards and STS's!)

But I am waiting for you January... I am going to kick your As@!!! Lol xxx
Hey sweetie, love the smell of Olbas Oil, I could get seriously addicted to it lol I do love the smell of some weird stuff, Petrol is another :eek: lol
Hope you feel much better today, take it easy over the weekend, even though I know you have plans.
Upping the steroids is a bummer, totally empathise there, but you know that it's only temporary, once you go back to your normal dose that 3lb (if it actually is 3lb, we'll see tomorrow :)) will soon be gone....I am going to kick ass all the way to January and then up to the vixens challenge, (if I give in and relax now i'll gain a mountain), so as long as I keep focused and even if I do have blow outs, hopefully they'll not be huge ones xxxx :hug99: xxxx
Hope you are better for the weekend
Take care
Good luck for wi tomorrow hun, hopefully it will be a lot less than 3lb :hug99: xxxx
Missing you!