SugarPlum (24st) to TinkerBell (12st)

lsf666 said:
Morning Cinta x

I'm up way too early for a day off but I guess my body didn't know!!!

Food looks 100% but a bit light?! Hope you won't be hungry x

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Morning Lisa,

I am like you, I tend to get up early even when I am off! But then it feels like my day off last longer! :)

I will be snacking on lots of fruit also, I just don't like cooking for myself and Hubby is working late :-( so I went for the easy option of beans on toast. X
Beans on toast is yummy :)

I had beans last night.

Now I'm hungry!

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Yum, beans on toast. I may have to ave that for brekkie tomorrow :)

Hope you have a great day and lovely pamper night x
I love your diary, you've done amazingly well :D xxxx

Another inspiration!, I love this forum so much :)
EmmyR1984 said:
Yum, beans on toast. I may have to ave that for brekkie tomorrow :)

Hope you have a great day and lovely pamper night x

lollypop1985 said:
have a good day :)

slimsarah said:
I love your diary, you've done amazingly well :D xxxx

Another inspiration!, I love this forum so much :)

Purple Patsy said:
Hope you have a good day and enjoy your pamper eve. Ah such luxury.

Thanks Ladies... I am just out of a lovely hot bath, after using all my special smellys!!

Just off to do my manicure & pedicure , I could get used to this! Maybe hubby needs to work late more often! ;-)

Hope you are all having good days?! Xxx
Oh, I think I'll go have bath now, my OH away, so I think I'll go pamper myself
Thanks for the ideas!

I struggled to get used to this also when I started but it does get easier.

To quote from a phone (I am on I phone) you tap on the name bar of the person and a square comes up for you to tick, you then get the option to multi quote!

Hope that helps but let me know I u struggle.

I plan my meals each Thurs night, then do my weekly shop on the Friday. I get meal ideas from the SW mag and from the recipe forum on here.

I do like to cook and I find that most recipes can be adapted to be SW friendly. I search on the Internet for recipes that include chicken for example. ( we eat a lot of chicken)

I probably struggle most with lunches and get stuck in ruts! I am currently in a ryvita and Philly rut!

I do need to vary my meals a bit and I need to start putting them in here more!

If there is anything I can help with just give me a shout xxxxx

Good luck... You will do fab!!!

Hi Sugar

I had my first weigh in today. I lost 7lb. It must have been a fluke!

Thank you for your vote of confidence. I feel alot better now but still struggling with ths menu planning lark :confused:

Was thinking about having some choc tonight as a treat but have been good and just stuck with the programme,

Hope youre well

Es x
R-E-D said:
Hi Sugar

I had my first weigh in today. I lost 7lb. It must have been a fluke!

Thank you for your vote of confidence. I feel alot better now but still struggling with ths menu planning lark :confused:

Was thinking about having some choc tonight as a treat but have been good and just stuck with the programme,

Hope youre well

Es x

Wow... 7lb is AMAZING!!! I am sure it's your hard work & not a fluke!!

The meal planning does take time but is def the key to success! The more menus you plan the easier it gets, you will start to a menu of meals to pick from.

Keep a record of your weeks meals that u can look back on! Your doing fab!! :) x
Hi sweetie, beans on toast, I could live on them for the rest of my days yum yum
Hope you had a lovely day :bighug: xxxx
Morning everyone...

Ok, think I best start with my 3 positives, as I feeling a little grumpy this morning! :-( LOL

I have had a bad nights sleep anyway but then I woke up at 5am and could not get back to sleep! :-(

Soooo Positive Thoughts!!!

1. IT'S FRIDAY!!! :)

2. Because I am up earlier, I am having a nice relaxing coffee in bed whilst catching up on minimins! :)

3. My nails are a lovely sparkly Emerald colour from my manicure last night and look very pretty!

4. I have a girls night to look forward to tomorrow! (must save sins for wine!!) lol

There... I feel a little less grumpy already! :)

I can't add my food diary as I have'nt planned a meal for tea yet. Breakfast and lunch will the usual...

Breakfast - muller and banana

Lunch - ryvita (B) with light Philly (A) and an apple!

I really need to spend some time looking for new food ideas, I am starting to get stick in a rut and that is never a good thing!

lollypop1985 said:
lovely postives. have a good day huni

Thanks Lolly... Hope you have a great day too and well done on your loss!! FAB!! :) xxx
EmmyR1984 said:
Great positives, hope you a fantastic night tonight :D

Thanks Emmy... Girls night is Sat! Can't wait to let my hair down and have a drink!

Hope you have a great weekend!! Xx