Hi everyone
how are all my lovelies doing?
I am so sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Things have been so busy at work with open evenings so i've had late nights, and of course the royal visit is priority to prepare for this week!
Ang - come on hun - bend over and i'lll give you a kick, then stand up and i'll give you a hug

. Its so awful when you feel like you're fighting a loosing battle, but you just have to think how far you've come, and know that you can keep going and get even further.
Twinny - hello my lovely, thank you for all your support. How are you getting on this week?
Marli - well done on your STS

. I'll change your weigh in day. Good on you for deciding to get back into the exercise too - I ahven't done any for 2 weeks now and i'm feeling it. Just haven't had the time.
Niamhs - thanks for the Kick start list hun - I think I may give that a go when I get back into 'the zone', which I have to say I am seriously struggling with!!!!!
Chaz - woop woop girlfriend. -3lb is fab
Eabha and busy - go girls, go girls .......... well done on your losses
Lisi, gleave, Lee (wherever you are - miss you

), Sas, Jo and everyone else, hello and hugs
Jo - oh dear, what a rascal

. hope you've managed to clean the walls up ok
Kim - welcome to our lovely slimming family, we have lots of laughs and encouragement on here. Hope you feel supported and at home
Can I ask please - whats the Wendi plan????
afm - well!!!!!! Please kick me everyone. I have having a really hard time. THe hormones from the injections have definatley kicked in now. I am having one of those times where everything frustrates me (this morning I opened the cupboard and a few things fell out and I just sat on the kitchen floor and sobbed!!!!! - how pathetic!!), I look in the mirror and think - yuk!, I feel fat, frumpy, ugly, and I just want to hide under the duvet and cry! On top of that I am soooooooo out of the diet zone (haven't gone mad but haven't been an angel) so I know i've put weight on, (we have had so many buffets at work, plus hubby brought crumble home from college on Tuesday, I made a friendship cake that I had been given last night (bit like a chain letter but in cake form and you have to make a portion and pass the rest of the mixture on)), and my hormones are telling my body to eat absolutely everything in sight!!!!! i haven't been awful to the point where I have been scoffing, but I haven't stuck to my points, we did have 2 meals out last weekend (family things), plus the crumble and cake, I am just dreading how much weight I have put on. I just cant get focussed - help me!. I know deep down that my concentration for the next few weeks has to be letting my body adjust to the drugs (which tend to put weigh on anyway), but I feel down anyway, so if I put on weight its going to be even bloomin worse. Normally when i'm down (which doesn't happen that often at all) I cant eat, but this time my appetite is terrible!!!!!
ANyway, sorry for complaining!!!!!!!!!!
Love you all xxx
ps - will update tracker later or tomorrow if ok as am in work - just really needed a rant and wanted to catch up with you all