Hello my lovlies
How is everyone doing?
Sas:bighug:. Poor you - its horrible to feel that way isn't it. I've been there over the last few days and am expecting it to come back too. If you feel the best thing for you is to weigh in tomorrow and start again lovely then you do that, we'll all support you whatever you decide. I know its disheartening to see a possible gain but all we can do is draw a line underneath it and start again, there is no point in letting it ruin our journey all together otherwise we may as well call this thread the 'get fatter for summer' challenege

, and that is definately not what either of us will be doing - you included sweetie - you can do it xx
Eabha - hope you had a good night out, its lovely to get so many compliments isn't it, makes you realise what you're working towards
Welcome to Wolfie, Itwillwork and Jayw. You are all very very welcome to join us. We're a lovely friendly group and as you can probably tell support each other through so many things not just weight loss.
Karen - well done on your loss hun. Keep up the good work

. How is everything going in your world - hope its all good
Gleave - I know what you mean about ice cream - i'm terrible, once I start I struggle to stop - am loving Mint Skinny Cows at the mo - only 1.5 points each too
Jo - well done on your long walks over the weekend. Cornwall is so lovely
Ang - I love you

. You are so wonderful and supportive and I appreciate it so much.
afm - am still feeling inadequate but I know its partly because I am overweight but partly the hormones. We have our 'Royal visit' in about 90 mins and everyone is dressed up to the nines but I just feel like i'm going to a funeral or something (all in black). Hey ho - in 6 months, I'll be the one in the smaller clothes (or maternity clothes

), and will feel fab i'm sure. Diet wise have stuck to points the last few days with no prob (thanks to Sugar free jelly

), today we have 3 buffets at work at different times of the day because its also our open evening, but I have brought my own food so I dont have an excuse for touching the buffets at all
Hope you all have a good Monday -xxxx
ps. Where's Lee and Twinny????? Miss you both x