Hello my lovelies
how are you all doing? Many many apologies for not being around quite so much lately. THe IVF is obviously a biggie at the mo, but I am working ridiculous hours - ended up doing 5 1/4 hours overtime on Friday after!! Am having to go in on my day off tomorrow, then off to interview and assess in banbury on Tuesday which is 2 hours away!!!!!
Congratulations on all those fab losses ladies - Jo, Chaz, 4ever, Gurl and Karen. well done too on STS Eabha (sorry have just tried to put smilies in bit it freezes my notebook so had to give up!)
Jo - fancing being so full of energy

. What a lovely lovely feeling - maybe its the 'Paul McKenna' effect. Hope that goes well for you hun
Marli - sending you a hug lovely. put the past week behind you, draw a line under it and start fresh. We all go off the rails at times hun, you just have to try and focus on pulling it back for the week ahead.
Gleave - Awwww, hugs to you too hun, must be so hard with your son having to change schools, at least he will be recieving the best care and attention he needs though lovely. Sorry to hear your feeling rough too, hope that soon settles. Thank you for your kind wishes on the IVF.
Lisi - nice to receive a valentines though hun, shame its not going to lead to a lovely romance

. We cant make ourselves fancy someone we dont though can we

Twinny - how are you getting on my lovely? so much going on in your life at the mo. ANy luck on selling your flat yet?
Helloooooooooooooooo to everyone else
afm - things are going ok I think. Weight wise, i did check yesterday and its slowly going down again which is a good thing. Am starting to feel quite rough though with IVF drugs, scan last week was all good. That means though that now I am on even more drugs which are giving me heartburn and making me feel a sick most of the time. I know it will be worth it though. I have another scan next Thursday, if all ok embryo transfer will be the following week.
Well my lovelies, another busy week lined up so will check in when I can. Keep up all the good work
hugs to you all xx