Hiya ever motivated team mates
We're all sounding so positive - I love it. I can just imagine us all looking and feeling soooooooooooooo good by Summer.
Eabha - well done you, first weigh in of the new thread and a good one too

. I am sure you'll be looking good at your ball, and a beach babe in your bikini for your hols
Suzanne - what tattoo have you got? I've spent a small fortune trying to get my removed - the ones on my arms anyway. Should have thought when I had them done at 18 years old, that when i'm 30 and want to wear sleeveless tops that I really wouldn't want them on my arms!!!!! Have one on my boob and another on my back though which are definately staying
Claire - my twin - how are you today hun? I'm going to have to go to M&S on the weekend now I think and stock up. I think I want to try and get down to about 9st 12 if I can. What about you? I am a size 12ish at the moment, some of my clothes fit though and some are a little too tight so would probably say i'm more a size 13

. Would love to be a 10 again though. Weekends can be a nightmare - I find giving up wine the hardest!
Ange - have fun with the baking. Just think running around clearing up afterwards is bound to earn you some activity points

Lee - you're a trooper my friend

- all these tips and posts etc are so motivating, very glad you joined us.
Afm - well, day 3 and still going strong. Does anyone else find they wee a lot more in the first week or so of a diet - or is that just me

? I did have a sneeky peek at the scales this morning (i'm addicted) and i'm 1lb down which is better than nothing, but still have 2 days to go, so we'll see. TOTM is pending though so that may have an adverse effect. Wanted to do Zumba last night but didn't get around to it by the time i'd done the shopping. Its in my diary for this evening though
Ooooo - my favourite treat - have you tried the Skinny Cow so called ice creams? They are frozen yoghurt, only 1 1/2 points and I swear they really do taste like Ice cream. The mint ones are heavenly

. On offer this week in Asda for £1 a pack (3 in a box)
Well, off for my dinner now peeps - soup again with WW bread and a WW rice pudding - Yum. Who ever thought dieting could be so tasty.
Love to you all
Weigh in days:
Becca - Saturday
Clare - Tuesday
Karen - Saturday
Suzanne - Friday
Toni -
Eabha - Wednesday (wk 1) - 1.5lb
Ang - Wednesday
Sai - Wednesday
Lee - Monday
Juicy -
Marli - Tuesday