Summer Weight loss Goals

Blue butterfly - Well done for another great loss.

Kathyrn - I am hoping it is not something in the water as I have gained again as well this week and am now back to 14st 9lb. I know we can get it off again, you can have a brill week. I will do my best and next week we will be celebrating together.
Thanks Jacqui, trying to be good this week to get it off :)
Well I have not had a bad week in the grand scheme of things. I have only registered a sts from last week, but considering half way through the week it looked like I was on for a big gain I am happy that I have finally managed to turn it around and move on with my eating again. I have also had a couple of days off work as I have been poorly so this probably has had something to do with it.
I am looking forward to the coming week as I have a good feeling about it now I have got some control back.
My scales battery has died so I couldn't weigh in today :(
Will get a new battery for next week and will weigh in then.
Can I join in? I would like to lose 28lbs so 2 stone by the end of September.
Todays weight 326lbs :-(
I dropped 4lb this week, although with my 2lb increase last week it's really only a 2lb loss

Still happy about it though :D
I think some of it is going to be back on this Sunday though :( looking a little ominous
Happy birthday! :D
A STS for me, which is a bit disappointing but given that I've scoffed pick n mix isn't terribly surprising
Hey hon. that is not a bad result and you had a great one last week so it definitely isn't the end of the world.

I have been totally off track the last few days, my birthday has not ended up being just 'one' day after all. I know it is my own choices what to eat, but I have not made good ones, and have used the excuse a bit to go over board, (not that I really need an excuse which is why I am the size I am anyway).
But I have promised myself that now the weekend is over, I have weigh in first thing in the morning so I am back on track straight afterwards ... have a few choccies to finish tonight
Why is it that a few days off track lead to such a huge gain on the scales. I have managed to go up to 14st 13 this week or 209lb which is a 4lb gain, I am totally disgusted with myself, but to be honest it has given me the proper kick up the butt I needed to get myself back on track again.
I have 6 weeks worth of xenical left so I need to get some considerable weight off with them so I can get some more from the Dr.
Why is it that a few days off track lead to such a huge gain on the scales. I have managed to go up to 14st 13 this week or 209lb which is a 4lb gain, I am totally disgusted with myself, but to be honest it has given me the proper kick up the butt I needed to get myself back on track again.
I have 6 weeks worth of xenical left so I need to get some considerable weight off with them so I can get some more from the Dr.

Happy belated birthday!
At least you are getting back into things now after a few days instead of a few months like I did when it was my birthday, I put on over a stone! So I bet you will lose that 4lbs in no time :)

I've lost 2lbs. This is in 2 weeks so thats only 1lb a week but I'm still happy with that!
Not been able to get to the gym much the last couple of weeks so I think that's why the loss hasn't been so great.
Fingers crossed Jacqui!

1lb loss for me this week. I'll weigh myself tomorrow but I'll be 2lbs off my goal for the 16th August
Thanks Jacqui the doctor was really happy with it anyway, which picked me up :). So i think I was aiming for 14lb by the end of September so I think I can be reasonably close even if I don't hit it