Sunday weigh in

I also gain when it's my TOTM, but you will love your scales even more next week when all your hard work shows! x

I hope so, it's the gym session tonight and LBT on Thursday so unless I can avoid shuvelling everything I see in my mouth I should be ok :character00116:
Well weighed in yesterday and went back up a 1 1/2 lbs :help2: - I've got 8 weeks to get rid of 6 1/2 lbs!

Please try not to worry, everyone has their good and bad weeks. I had a rotten couple of weeks recently where I put loads on. But I have every faith that you can do it, you will get to your target!!! :girlpower: xxx
Please try not to worry, everyone has their good and bad weeks. I had a rotten couple of weeks recently where I put loads on. But I have every faith that you can do it, you will get to your target!!! :girlpower: xxx

Thanks lovely, I'm hoping so too, hope your week is better too.
STS this week, which I'm happy about as I ate a lot of bread!

RiaLou80 - How have you got on this week? I hope its been a better one for you x
Try not to let it get you down. Start this week off fresh, you can do it! We are all behind you :party0011: xxx

Thank you :thankyou:
I'm going to sit down tomorrow night and talk to my hubster, and tell him I'm going to have a go at home , I've done it before and once my brain clicks in, I know I can do it. :whip:

My plan is to switch between Red and Green days, stick some EE days in too, stick to the HEX's and get x2 jars and some pebbles - x1 for 'lbs to lose' and the other for 'lbs lost' I'll then pay the hubster £5 a week (which is usual SW price) and then get him to weigh me, then if I've lost any lb's, move the amount of pebbles into the lost jar. Then once I've got to 'target' I can get the money back to buy something nice for myself or take us out for a nice meal.

I just need to give myself a massive kick up the backside! :whoopass:
I decided to take a week off weighing myself as I've become quite obsessive with weighing myself daily recently :sign0007:, so fingers crossed for next week!!!

I hope everyone else's week has been ok xxx