Hi Sunny, I saw you on Suzie's diary and was going to post I'm liking your ticker factory thing and then thought hmmm

I'll have a pop over here instead. Thank heavens the parents of those horrible kids seem to be telling them off. Good on you for nipping that in the bud! The noise of those trampolines drive me nuts

Non stop bouncing from breakfast..I used to feel like cutting the springs off the one my previous neighbour had when he moved it away from his window and over beside our swing chair

I like crafts and had never heard of diamond painting, your pic is lovely..you must have loads of patience.
My hubster (Dave) was referred to a weight loss programme via the GP and he really enjoyed it. His was a 3hr session once a week, they had a talk with dietician re healthy eating followed by exercises (in a private room away from main gym) Since finishing the programme he has had a follow up with a dietician and weekly phone calls to make sure he's still on track. They offer a 1hr gym session per week once course was finished too.
Good luck in your journey..hard but lots of support on here to help you get there