Sunshine's Trip To Pre Baby Weight (start Thurs 13th oct, p 91)

Hope everything is okay Sunshine.... are you going to find out the sex of your baby? Son is, I wouldn't want to know though... my daughter when she was pregnant last time didn't want to know but the lady scanning her let it slip... she was not amused.
Hi sunshine,

Hope you and your baby are well. You'll soon be at the half-way point. Then the countdown to single figure weeks to exciting, and scary :eek: xx
Hey hon
Just popping by to say hello hope all is going well with your pregnancy hon and your feeling well, I am sure you are glowing!! Hope baby is being good for its mummy...
take care sweetie and keep us posted how your getting on .
Hi girls :)

Thanks for all your posts!!!! :)

Thought I'd update you. I'm half way now and had my scan today. It was amazing. My baby is healthy and so cute! And I'm having a girl!!!! Absolutly Chuffed to bits. I've had such a lovely day as I cleared work off it.hubby is delighted. Both beaming from ear to ear all day.

Had lots of fun shopping weekends lately but now I get to decorate lol.

Hope you're all well. I'll be back on again. But gotta sleep now.

I'll post my scan pics from laptop soon ;)

Hugs xxx
Congratulations!! Do you have any names? Xx
CD could stand for Cradle Days in your case Sunshine or Conception Drama lol and of course we don't mind. It is lovely sharing your pregnancy with you. Feel like we've been on your journey, weight loss, wedding and now a little girlie on the way. Love it. Keep posting away xxx
wow! amazing.
Awwwww, how wonderful... a little girlie, all those pretty dresses, frilly bows etc... I was so glad I had a girl first as I could dress her up!!! lol

Congrats, cannot wait to see what my grandchild will be, their scan is beginning of March and they want to know!!
Awww love seeing the scan pics!!!

Ahhh so many exciting things happening for us on here :D

Babies, Weddings...Cruises!!!..STARTING THE REST OF OUR LIVES DIET FREE (eventually! ;) )
So lovely Sunshine!! scans are so exciting aren't they, really make it all the more real and a girl too! Beware though hun, my predicted girl was a big bouncing boy!! good job we didn't paint the nursery pink or buy any pinky clothes. Hope you are feeling well hun, keep looking after yourself xxx
So happy for you and Mr Sunshine! Wonderful news!! xx
so happy for you hun. Not long now. How are you feeling? xxx
Hi lovely ladies :) hope you're all doing well.

Thought I'd pop in and say a big hello :)

I'm having a ball with all the baby shopping lol. My little girl is tumbling about lots and I'm feeling her movements all the time which is fab. Not much to report just that I'm a happy bunny :)
Booked a private scan for 28 weeks so I'll have 3d pics and 4d DVD. Nice to have this to look forward to after a hectic 6 weeks to come.

Sending lots of hugs and cd dust :)

Lots of love xxx
Morning sunshine! how lovely for you, never these in my day just the normal scan was exciting enough, so glad to hear all is going well hun
I know. The nhs ones we got were amazing enough. My dad is flying over from Ireland for his birthday and will be coming in to the 3d scan with us which is fab. :)

Plus this morning is the first time Ive heard her heartbeat at home on our stethoscope which is great. Hubby can't wait to hear too when he's home from work. She moves about so much now I decided to try when she was still for 5 mins :)
How exciting Sunshine, bet your DH will be thrilled to hear her heartbeat, and dad will be over the moon to see her on the scan..... awesome xx
Hello old sunshine diary ;)

Just heard back from my CDC about when to start cd after pregnancy. It seems I'd have to wait at least 3 months and more if I'm breast feeding. If I am breast feeding it'll be December that I stop to return to work in January. Hummmmmmmm ....... I plan on walking every day in the summer to get my fitness back but I thought i'd be able to start cd earlier. I'm not worrying about it just want to have a rough plan in place. Or perhaps I'll do cd for november and december on 810 ( if im not breast feeding by then) to get me ready to return to work.
Anyway hope everyone is doing well. Sending hugs xxxx