Can you give us a bit more information please hun? Was it a ready prepared pasta salad or a pasta pot which you put boiling water into?
sorry, it was a prepared pot, with chicken (not very much) bacon bits (a miniscule amount), pasta, a bit of sweetcorn mixed in mayo. I figured that compared to all the sandwiches it would be a safer option as most of the ingedients were free on EE.
Thanks for replying
I don't get paid until this Friday, so am a bit limited in the food department. At lunchtime today I bought a chicken, bacon pasta pot from Tesco, (700 cals) figuring that all the ingredients in it were free, apart from the mayo. I've allowed 5 syns for the mayo, as I doubt that there is a tbsp in it and also I only ate 2/3 of the pot. Can anyone tell me if that would cost only 5 syns. I am really panicking that I have scuppered my chances before they have started.
i made my own chicken and bacon sandwich the other day and it was amazing,(even if i do say so myself) i even made the cracked black pepper mayo came out to 2syns for the entire thing and had sw chips with it too and toasted my hex of bread xxx
hiya i just used 1 tbsp light mayo and added some water so it went much further, and used one of those black peppercorn grinders and grinded some into the mayo and mixed-really simple and i do it all the time now, and i do the same with garlic powder to make a garlic mayo xxx
thats ok, its so easy! xxx