Full Member
hey hun!! im good ta!
is this your first baby? I really do feel for ya. Ive had two babies and was throwin up till about the 13th week!! The bets medecine is eat little an often!
Aslo i used to keep a pack of rich tea biscuits at side of my bed and munch on one before i got up! WEll it worked first time, second time i was dragged outta bed by a two year old hehehe
take care and speak soon
luv katie
ps have u seen the pregnancy with out the pounds section? If only i'd seen this site b4 i was pregnant!![]()
Yes its my first, I only been with my OH since March we got engaged in May and Pregnant by September lol. I am so so excited though. Scared as well.
Since i found out I have lost my appetite to be honest, i just want to drink fanta/tango all the time, the orangy freshness mmmm, lovely...lol wouldnt mind but i only about 4-5 weeks gone.
Someone else said about the rich tea biscuts, mmm maybe i will have to get some. Today was the first time i was sick mind you. I still feel sick now though.
No i havent seen it, i will have a look in a min. Apparently i can still do slimming world, i need to contact my consultant so she can get me a programme sorted??
How old are your 2 then?