Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Oh and another tip shanny when your phone is connected to iTunes and it appears in the left hand menu bar right click on it and click on back up before you do anything else, to be sure it's backed up! I did that and didn't lose anything!!
This diet really gets me thinking, and this is a jumbled mess but I'm typing as I'm thinking.

At the moment in general food is not even on my radar, I'm not interested in it, not bothered by it in the slightest. Partly because it's way easier to grab a shake than it is to p!ss about thinking about what to make for a meal, then actually making it. This is my problem, emotional eating aside, I struggle to come up with decent healthy meal ideas that I'll actually like. It's easier to grab a ready meal, and even the WW ones aren't that great.

I've just really been thinking about how I'm going to maintain my weight loss. I probably need to start giving it some thought sooner rather than later really. I find the higher plans hard because I don't like more than half the veggies on the plan. I'm so fussy, I'm working on it but I simply can't stomach some things at all, and unfortunately broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, cabbage all make me feel sick.

I'm terrified of having to do this again, I feel bad that I let myself get this fat again and I'm just so scared of failing again :( I'm determined not to, but I was determined not to last time too so......I don't know, for me doing CD once I'm on a roll is easy, the maintaining is hard.

A small part of me thinks sod it, I'm used to being on my own again, I don't really need to attract a man, so I don't need to be thin and miserable. Why not just pack it all in and enjoy what I'm eating, instead of panicking every time I eat something.

But then I'm not doing this to pull, I'm doing it to feel better about myself! I worry that every time I fail I beat myself up and then don't feel better about myself at all, I feel worse.

Anyway I'm not giving up, I just need to find a way of maintaining but with a balance of allowing me to enjoy food again without the feeling of!t I'm starting to sound like I'm developing an eating disorder :(
Sally this is what I struggle with... Life after cd!
No sal please don't give up now, keep at it and keep 'thinking'.. Slowly plan your maintaince route .

But Nikki I know what you mean about life without CD, lol it's tough as I wasn't successful with maintaince at all but hoping I've learnt from my bad eating habits. X
thing is we still keep fighting the weight. we still strive for our goals. we've not given up yet :D
Wow I screwed up royally last night! I was nights (my last ever 21 hour mega shift), there was junk and I ate!! I'm saying no more, I'm an idiot!! But back to it today, I've still got a good way to go, do giving up after 1 stone is definitely not an option! Last night is behind me, today is brand new as if it never happened. Thank god CDC is away this week so no WI, I hope I can pull it back for a decent loss next week, I've got 10 days!!
Plus I'm a tiny bit stressed.... This is a strange one...... I got a message on FB yesterday from a guy from school saying 'Can I ask a personal question?' I've just replied 'Erm I guess, but can't promise I'll answer it'. I find this weird. Last I heard he was married but I think from reading between the lines on his profile this is no longer the case. I'm a bit nervous about what this personal question might be! I might be blowing my own trumpet a bit here, but I hope he's not about to ask me out or anything like that because I really have absolutely zero feelings for him other than he's a friend. I hope it isn't this because I hate having to say no and upset people. Aaaaargh I hate this! What else could it be????
Crisis averted, my friend wanted advice on dating sites because he saw my profile on uniform dating :eek: didn't know I'd even gone on there.
*Shanny* said:
So his single sal? what do u think of him? come on spill the beans sweetie xx:D:D

Yeah he's single, but he's really not my type at all. He was my ex boyfriends friend at school really but we've kind of stayed in touch through facebook. I feel nothing for him at all other than friends. And I'm sure after our conversation this morning that he doesn't feel anything for me either. I jumped the gun in panic because he's a nice enough guy and it would be a shame to ruin a friendship.

I guess I just wish that at some point someone I really like would just ask me out. I was talking to one of the guys at work about why I never attract guys I like back. He didn't know the answer, said maybe I'm too fussy. But I don't see why I should have a relationship with someone I'm not into just because they happen to like me. God I sound like a b!tch and it's not like I have boys queuing up to go out with me. :(
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Tall fat and greedy said:
Might have been a way of getting touch to let you know he is single??

I wondered that too but after talking to him earlier it's quite obvious it wasn't. He didn't even realise me and Ash had split up, and I didn't bother to tell him, I didn't lie I just skirted around it. He knew I'd met Ash on a dating website and was wondering what the deal is. He'd been with his ex-wife for 14 years so out of the whole dating loop. And apart from the small fact that I have no feelings for him he lives way too far away.
Surfhunny said:
I wondered that too but after talking to him earlier it's quite obvious it wasn't. He didn't even realise me and Ash had split up, and I didn't bother to tell him, I didn't lie I just skirted around it. He knew I'd met Ash on a dating website and was wondering what the deal is. He'd been with his ex-wife for 14 years so out of the whole dating loop. And apart from the small fact that I have no feelings for him he lives way too far away.

Tell him to go to dating direct. That's where I met hubby :). You should too. :) I think it's hard to meet people these days. Nightclubs are not the right place and work tends to be full on.
Work is seriously getting me down at the moment :( I seem to be the only one who's actually paid attention during the training last week, so all the responsibility is falling to me, everyone else seems so blasé about it. I'm totally stressed! The doctors arent giving us time to get our heads round the new equipment and are expecting us to be as good on it as we used to be on the old stuff.

Then tonight I get a phone call at home, to tell me that one of the cleaners got a needle stick injury when she was cleaning our room after everyone had gone home. That's a serious deal and should NEVER happen. So now I'm stressing about how it happened. Trying not to point the finger but it's the nurses responsibility to get rid of the needles and scalpels safely from their sterile trolley, not ours. Obviously if we saw a needle lying around we'd dispose if it safely. We were pushed to the limit today but even so it should not have happened!

To make matters worse said cleaner is very scary, loud and I know she'll have a go at me tomorrow even though it's not my fault. She can be very overbearing when she's angry, and I'm actually quite scared of her, I'm a grown up and she scares me!

I'm sick of feeling stressed about work, I actually wish the boss was back from his month long holiday. His timing is amazing, take a month off when the new equipment is put into use, and the doctors are tetchy.

I've seriously considered leaving over this last couple of weeks but I like my job for the most part, and the grass is not greener, the only other place I could go has similar working conditions.

Aaaaargh I need to be more assertive, I need to stand up for myself more. But I'm not like that, I'm a big baby, I hate confrontation. I'm actually quite scared of seeing this cleaner tomorrow, how pathetic am I?
Sorry you are feeling like this, but did you leave the needle lying around?? NO, so while a needlestick is serious and I agree it should not have happened, accidents do happen, the chances of the cleaner actually getting HIV or Hep is very slim and under no circumstances should you feel guilty - you can be sympathetic or course but handle it professionally and don't get involved with any confrontation. Be strong you know you can be, no one has a right to make you feel bad about something that is a natural hazard in a hospital (needles fall off trolleys, get dropped and forgotten etc, it was not done on purpose).

I am not really sure what your role at work is?? But we live in an age and culture of blame, which is really a away of individuals not taking responsibility for their own actions, call the team together and speak to everyone about what has happened!

Btw I was a nurse!
Right Sally. Find that cleaner and before she says anything say the following in a sweet candy tone....

I heard you hurt yourself on a needle yesterday. I'm ever so sorry. The nurses must have overlooked this. I have reported it to my 'bosses' and will make sure that this doesn't happen again. I do hope this hasn't been too scary for you as I would hate to think that it has upset you.

Them just empathise with her. 'yes, I do understand, I hope you're ok'. Blah blah. Do not let her take control. Put the blame on the nurses. Don't let her get in there first and scare you!
Well well... Very interesting things have happened at work, big big boss actually thinks cleaner is making it up, she has apparently had 7 needle sticks in the last year, and has two claims against the trust for them. So I'm actually not too worried now.

Thanks for the advice!
More on the mop saga!!! The mop has been analysed and the needle was so embedded in it, that it has probably been to the laundry and back several times. And probably didn't even come from our department at all.... The cleaner wasn't at work today. Matter over!