Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Hi Sal, I've been following your diary but never seem to post (sound like a massive stalker haha!). Sounds like you're doing really well :) When are you off to Florida? I am going next year for the first time, so exciting! Hope you're having a good day :)
I went to Healing Hands in Skelton. Im not that impressed with the Slimpods to be honest, I think I'd have been better off spending the £30 elsewhere. I wouldn't advise listening in the car its a bit like the hypnotherapy type things, danger of nodding off.
Surfhunny said:
I went to Healing Hands in Skelton. Im not that impressed with the Slimpods to be honest, I think I'd have been better off spending the £30 elsewhere. I wouldn't advise listening in the car its a bit like the hypnotherapy type things, danger of nodding off.

Haha utterly! No listening in the car!

That massage sounds bliss just what I could do with!
I am glad you enjoyed the massage. I hope your GP sends you for that scan its a worry.
Aaargh bad day, have still got a litre and a half of water to drink. I've been out all day with my friend and have barely had anything to drink. Glad I'm off tomorrow cos I'm going to be up all night peeing :(

On the plus side I managed to avoid the temptation of Subway, Starbucks AND Millie's Cookies, so I'm quite proud of myself really.

BUT I went on the scales this morning and with only 2 days to go I've only lost 1 measly lb :cry: I'm never going to make it at this rate, I'm quite upset by it, but I can't stop the diet or I'll still be this weight in 4 months time. At least if I persevere I'll be 16lbs lighter if I continue with the 1lb losses. So if it happens I'll be 13st 10 ish by the time I go away.
sally i'm the same. being really really good and my weight hasn't moved but niether has any action in the bum department too. i should be down by 7lbs by now but i'm not, i'm down 0lbs! yesterday, and when i'm in school, i really struggle to drink the water.
I find that the weight comes off and then stops and starts to rise...and then I have to encourage my body to let go of whatever I've eaten in the last few days. For me at least, the CD products really gum me up and despite taking fibre supplements daily, I now resort to lax 1-2x per week. I shudder to think what would happen if I didn't! And it works - once my body has, um, cleaned itself out a bit, I usually am down 1-2lbs at least and my weight loss continues for another few days.

The mysterious workings of the human body on CD....
Ive never really had probs in that department, But with the return of the belly pain I had a good clear out on Monday to see if that was why I was in pain, so it's def not why I'm not losing :(

It's beyond frustrating!! I've left enough time in theory for a vlcd to work very nicely and get me to target before my holidays but I needed the element of pressure to make me stick to it at times like this! To be fair I've never had the losses I got first time on cd but a bit more than a lb or 2 a week would be lovely. 3-4lbs would be great!!! I've got 17 weeks today to lose at least 45lbs, 52lbs would be fantastic!!!

We all know that our bodies do not lose at a steady pace. Like on BL there are low weeks and high weeks.

You have the right mindset. You can do this.
True true Mel, I hope my losses pick up soon, I'm very aware that time is marching on and desperately like to be at target for Florida, esp as I left plenty of time, just didn't factor in my stupid body having other ideas :(
Just a reminder to myself:


1 month goal!
20th May

Lose 14lbs (14st 12lbs)

2 month goal!
20th June

Lose 28lbs (13st 12lbs)

3 month goal!
20th July

Lose 42lbs (12st 12lbs)

4 month goal!
20th August

Lose 56lbs (11st 12lbs)

Holiday goal
6th September

Lose 60lbs (11st 8lbs)
Watching old Sky+'d episodes of Biggest Loser to keep motivated!
I refuse to look like this in Florida this year!!!


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Hi sal im packing up vlcd's just can't do it anymore. Ive wasted months and months gaining losing the same weight since early 2011.. so taking a different route.

Your targets look great :)
I was going to say the same thing.
Thanks back then I felt okay, I'd lost about 2 and a half stone by then and was roughly what I am now. But I feel huge, and uncomfortable in summer clothes right now so I really want to get to target. I'm also conveniently hidden between my friends!
*Shanny* said:
Hi sal im packing up vlcd's just can't do it anymore. Ive wasted months and months gaining losing the same weight since early 2011.. so taking a different route.

Your targets look great :)

Ooh what are you doing?
Surfhunny said:
Thanks back then I felt okay, I'd lost about 2 and a half stone by then and was roughly what I am now. But I feel huge, and uncomfortable in summer clothes right now so I really want to get to target. I'm also conveniently hidden between my friends!

I think anyone would feel like that stood next to the girl on the left! I would flat out refuse to stand by her. :)

I think that you carry weight really well, maybe because of your height. If you drop a stone it would be a huge difference!
bettiesrevenge said:
I think anyone would feel like that stood next to the girl on the left! I would flat out refuse to stand by her. :)

I think that you carry weight really well, maybe because of your height. If you drop a stone it would be a huge difference!

Aw thank you, yes Amy is difficult to feel comfortable next to. But she used to be a size 16 so is inspiration really. I guess I'm lucky my weight is evenly spread all over my body.