Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Mine doesn't text me any more but she's there if I need her! I can text her any time. Mind I'm not impressed with CD head office at the moment I emailed this first thing this morning about my new medication and haven't heard anything at all, I'm not expecting an answer to my query because I realise that it will need to go through their medical team but I would've liked a reply to say that they received my email and would find out for me. Maybe I'm expecting too much?
This is super scary! dWP data breaches in the last year 962! jeepers!
We get data protection hammered into us at work and quite rightly so, it terrifies me that people can get hold of your NI number, I don't even know my NI number (that's bad), but I know it's on my payslip.
Mines always away :( she does do two jobs and a family but honestly £40 a week... I miss my CDC back in 2009 Katie she was ace would chat for ages I'd play with her cat jasper!!

oh well ;) I have a few Facebook friends who have gained weight since doing cd ..... :( I know I'm one of them 18 lbs :( :( but why is it so hard to do it all again???

Sal u sound so much better and positive good to read missy :) xx
Nope I think that isn't asking too much!

I think that they need to up their game as competition is out there.

Shanny. I think this is the issue. I need to feel accountable my pack pusher just let's me in, weighs me, I pick my packs and off I trot. That's why I started using slimpod in an effort to shore up my resolve! My old cdc would drop me a line - even just a text! It made a lot of difference!
*Shanny* said:
Mines always away :( she does do two jobs and a family but honestly £40 a week... I miss my CDC back in 2009 Katie she was ace would chat for ages I'd play with her cat jasper!!

oh well ;) I have a few Facebook friends who have gained weight since doing cd ..... :( I know I'm one of them 18 lbs :( :( but why is it so hard to do it all again???

Sal u sound so much better and positive good to read missy :) xx

I know my CDC gave me a good talking too and to be honest I haven't felt this positive for a long time. I have no choice but to do SS if I have any hope of reaching my target by my holidays. And I'm totally determined not to be a big fatty on my holiday like I was in Vegas. If I feel like I'm slipping I think back to how uncomfortable I was in Vegas.
bettiesrevenge said:
Nope I think that isn't asking too much!

I think that they need to up their game as competition is out there.

Shanny. I think this is the issue. I need to feel accountable my pack pusher just let's me in, weighs me, I pick my packs and off I trot. That's why I started using slimpod in an effort to shore up my resolve! My old cdc would drop me a line - even just a text! It made a lot of difference!

A heck of a lot of people have jumped ship to S&S and honestly I'm not surprised, if I wasn't such a fanny I'd go it alone myself. But as Shanny well knows I'm incapable of doing it unsupervised. I even said to my CDC that CD need to up their game and she agreed. We were talking about a pack pusher in our area who had brushed aside the fact that one of her clients was on a specific medication that care needs taking with GPs notes need to be obtained etc for.
Nat I think this is the issue too :( with most CDC these days. I dread seeing her tomorrow even tho she's a lovely lady but just doesnt show enough interest in me lool..

Sal I can't wait to see pictures of you before u go on your jolly's lol your gonna look fab and feel it too. :)
*Shanny* said:
Nat I think this is the issue too :( with most CDC these days. I dread seeing her tomorrow even tho she's a lovely lady but just doesnt show enough interest in me lool..

Sal I can't wait to see pictures of you before u go on your jolly's lol your gonna look fab and feel it too. :)

I hope so Shanny I just hope my body doesn't start playing silly b*ggers like it did last year with little losses. Looks good so far although after that 2lb loss I did panic a bit.
The weightloss will keep going down Sal don't stress.

I've just texted my CDC asking for terta's only this week.. hope she can.:)

How exiting for you :)
Ooh just spotted a new programme on Channel 4 Wed at 8pm that looks good: Secret Eaters. In all about programmes about diets and fat people getting thin. Thintervention is on tonight at 10pm on Bio. It's all about motivation, I've got Biggest Loser US and Aus on series link, along with these two new ones. I love watching these programmes, they give me hope and motivation :)
I was interested in what you said about new starters. I started in jan and then noticed by march that there were far less on the forum - assume that this was due to new year dieters falling by the wayside. There seems to have been an increase in the last month or so - summer dieters I guess. I had 2 planned days off and did find it very helpful to hear of people who had gone off plan without dire consequences. I don't however want to learn how to cheat or dwell on food.
I like my CDC although sometimes she double books which is ok if you like the other client. I think CD should bring in meals like S&S and should also fix the cost of packs - I seem to pay more than most. Like you, I need a weekly weigh in so S&S is not for me.
I agree CD need to bring meal packs in LL have them. I don't like any of the soup or porridge so buy the mushroom pasta and mac and cheese from S&S to compliment my cd as I majorly crave savoury! To a point today where I stuck my finger in the marmite just to have a savoury taste. I am crazy lol.
Surfhunny said:
I agree CD need to bring meal packs in LL have them. I don't like any of the soup or porridge so buy the mushroom pasta and mac and cheese from S&S to compliment my cd as I majorly crave savoury! To a point today where I stuck my finger in the marmite just to have a savoury taste. I am crazy lol.

God! That's weird. Watching secret millionaire at the moment. Leeds in all it's loveliness! Depressing the poop out of me! Haha. I may dive into a jar of marmite at this rate.
Lol CD makes me do crazy things. Have gone to bed to watch an old NCIS before Thintervention. I've never watched so much tv as when I'm fully in the embraces of SS. Also I have that Sunday night insomnia to contend with, even though it's Monday lol. Still only two weeks at work before I have another week and a half off. Yay to bank holidays and jubilees and managers who won't pay senior grades to work bank holidays :D more time off for me :D
Oh my god Thintervention is hilarious!!! The Aussie woman on it is so funny, she's rich and doesn't work and hangs out with gay men, she refuses to give up her cocktails. So funny. None of them are massively overweight like on Biggest Loser but they should be with the cr@p they consume. Theyre all rich with chefs, huge houses basketball courts, swimming pools and attitudes. It's so over the top typical LA drama. I love it already!
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Surfhunny said:
Oh my god Thintervention is hilarious!!! The Aussie woman on it is so funny, she's rich and doesn't work and hangs out with gay men, she refuses to give up her cocktails. So funny. None of them are massively overweight like on Biggest Loser but they should be with the cr@p they consume. Theyre all rich with chefs, huge houses basketball courts, swimming pools and attitudes. It's so over the top typical LA drama. I love it already!

What channel is it on?
Surfhunny said:
I've dug out my skinny summer clothes and my god do they look tiny!! :eek: can't believe they ever fitted me!!
It's hard to see perspective of size really on its own, bit believe me they're tiny!!!

<img src=""/>

One of my favourite t-shirts - small 14.

<img src=""/>

Size perspective. The yellow t-shirt is one I wear now, XL from Gap. It's a bit baggy.

Wow I've got a long way to go, but I'm hanging my little t-shirt up as a reminder!

What I good idea- I think I'll do that as well to keep me going.
bettiesrevenge said:
What channel is it on?

It's on Bio 156 if you have Sky, there's still 25 mins left. So funny!
Yo ho ho! Hello me' harties!

Still awake! I'm knackered. Up at 6am tomorrow for a 3 miler! It's tough going right now too! Fingers crossed there's no rain.

Dude helped me with the washing tonight! Emptied the clean stuff mixed it with the wet clean stuff and added the dirty laundry just for good measure! Argh!

Managed to cut the grass today. Did food shopping. Went to Waterbabies. Fillsd the car with fuel washed the car, well the car wash sort of did most of the hard work! Tidied and hoovered upstairs. Etc etc!

Lost bit of weight at weigh in this week! Focus is always very good after seeing CDC and chatting! Then it dips. I think I should see my CDC every day!

You're doing well Sally! Keep it up!

Dropped my iPhone in the loo last week. Lost keys yesterday. Hubby's cars dying a death. That's my 3! Yeah!