(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Ooh I didn't know that! Shall buy that from now on!
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Happy to help
Ooh I didn't know that! Shall buy that from now on!
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My favourite discovery with this lovely weather we're having over here in Ireland is that Twister ice-pops are only 2PP!
Not sure if they're just an Irish thing tbh but they're yummy and excellent value for 2PP.![]()
I've never seen a mini one lol.I did see mini cornettos in the supermarket last night though. I wonder how many PPs would be in one of them. No idea how much is in a normal cornetto either.
Mini milks are fab, you can have 3 for 2pps.
Wow I didn't know that, I knew they were 1pp each but not that u could have 3 for 2pp! X
What are mini milks?![]()
I'll keep an eye out for those, 3 for 2PP is fantastic!
Edit: I think I've found the Aldi equivalent. The box has 8 lollies for 99c.
Edit 2 - I got them. Ate two. Checked the propoints and as a result I have no dailies left. Vanilla/Strawberry- 2PP. Chocolate - FIVE.![]()
I know! I'm annoyed that I had it!![]()
No it was about 75 but I calculated the PPs on my WW calculator using the nutritional values on the back of the box.. is the UK system the same as the Irish system?
What you guys talking about?
Mini Milks but Aldi Fakes, Jane said her Choc ones worked out at 5pp. X