Su's Lipotrim Nightmare aka My Diary 2011

Ahh Su! Out of date shakes - not good! Glad you've sorted out getting a fresh supply tomorrow.

You've done well getting rid of all the junk food from the house. My husband is normal weight and doesn't bother with sweet stuff (the boys aren't overweight either). A good while back we started limiting the boys to a couple of sweet treats at weekends only. They obviously have afters if they have a school dinner, or if sandwiches, then I put in a small choc wafter bar or something similar. So they don't need extra in the evenings as well. What is bought for them for weekends is portioned out and bagged up, so they can choose 2 bags each at the weekend. Stops any temptation for me pinching something to nibble on either :)

Well done on the 4.2lb off since Sat :) Roll on this Sat restart with fresh shakes! Good luck Su :) xx
Well, 1st weigh in today and i lost 10lb.. RESULT!! .. God knows how cos i ate loads of biscuits last night... The good loss has spurred me on though, so 100% from now on :fingerscrossed:. I will have to adjust my goal weight too as i have just realised that my goal of 168 means my BMI is too high (only just), but i might just see how my clothes feel when i get there.. I am going to stay on LT for a maximum of 6 weeks. Going by my last stint (losing 4lb a week) i should get to goal... Just in time to refeed for a week, and then it's Easter-loads of yummy chocolate eggs!! lol.
I am intending to go back to Curves to get some exercise cos it seemed to do me good last time (Damn you Xmas!! lol) ..

The headaches have gone but my bowels are not too good.. I am scared to use the psyllium i had before as i think it could be well out of date, and i keep forgetting to buy some more, and the only time i remember. it's too late-i need something now!! lol... As a result i am taking 1 senakot tablet twice a week, and so far, so good!

Here's to the coming week x x
Wahoo :) Well done Su! :D

I'm still 'managing' with the loo situation and not using anything. I bought my psyllium the same time as you and have been nervous to use it. I don't think it would go out of date though would it? It's just fibre. It probably has a use by date, but probably years from now, and even then would last years after that! I don't know. I keep meaning to read up on it to try and find out, but haven't got around to it!

Curves sounds like a good plan :)

Have a good week :) xx
Hi Su :) Did you weigh in yesterday hun? Just popped on to check up on you ;) Hope all going well xx
Hiya Jayne... Had a major problem with the chemist cos none of the staff there had been LT trained (they have recently changed hands and I didn't want to kick up too much of a stink in case they stopped doing it completely), but I have managed to STS even though I have eaten. So am starting AGAIN this week.. I am a bit peeved but am not letting it stress me out cos then I will just gorge!!.. I am trying to adopt a positive mental attitude, but so far have only managed the "mental" bit!! lol... I am just carrying on and ignoring this week so I don't depress myself... Anyway, how are you doing hun?
Oh no, what a shame! :( Fingers crossed for this week then. Well done on staying the same though.

I'm still 100% but doing refeed from tomorrow after weigh in (going to update my diary in a sec).

Good luck hun xx