Susie's 2022 campaign

Well that's one thing not to worry about
Yes - but I've had more great chats with friends about it all and I've decided (for this week anyway :p) that I'm not going to rush into anything. One old mate in Melbourne said "Just go back to London, get the paperwork underway and go back to NZ" - he had valid points to make, but there's no sense in rushing at the gate, it's all too blooming stressful. Better that I plan properly and get all my ducks in a row :).

Well the Big Adventure is getting closer - got the itinerary from the removalist just now - my place to his (about 90 mins north), then Como where we overnight. From there to Mons in Belgium to overnight, then London the next afternoon. plus he's foind hotels that take pets, bless him :).
Exciting to get your itinerary , what a gem your removal man is to find pet friendly hotels too.
How long have you been away from NZ Suzie and which part are you from? X
North Island Tibbs, a really beautiful part called the Coromandel. I left in 1985 (omg) but have been going back for hols/funerals every 3-4 years. Last time was 2014.

Lovely sunny day here today, might get the laundry dry yaye. Feel a bit blah though, Orbs vommed early this morning. Also got to take her back to the vet - one iris is slightly bigger than the other, it's called aniscoria and apparently it's an indication there could be something more serious.
Oh goodness, hope Orbit's problem isn't a really bad one..fingers crossed on that.
Just a thought Suze, you say you go back to NZ every 3-4yrs so maybe your yearning for home is you're due your "fix" as my daughter used to call it of visiting home. Good plan you've had about staying put in London while you think it through... Me, I'm the compulsive go do it person that ends up thinking hmmm, maybe I should have thought this through a bit more..but I still rush in anyway the next time, it always comes right in the end. My thoughts are at least I learn where I don't want to be and end up where i'm supposed to be in the end :)

Nice and sunny here too, though I'm taking advantage of just sitting in total peace doing nothing while I have the house to myself..bliss :D X
Ooo, I forgot to say that my daughter travelled around NZ some years back..they hired a camper van for their honeymoon..loved it, said very vast, beautiful and could go ages without seeing anyone. They spent a year back packing Oz before that..lucky her :D X

I've just looked up Coromandel, it looks absolutely! X
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Hope kitty is OK, animals are always a worry as they don't really indicate to you when they are unwell
Hope kitty is OK, animals are always a worry as they don't really indicate to you when they are unwell

Oh goodness, hope Orbit's problem isn't a really bad one..fingers crossed on that.
Just a thought Suze, you say you go back to NZ every 3-4yrs so maybe your yearning for home is you're due your "fix"

Thanks guys, there's no goop in her eye so i'm hoping it's not serious.

And you could well be right Tibbs, my thought was to go back for a holiday and see how I feel about it. I'm impulsive too but to make such a big move has to be for all the right reasons and in the right way. I beat myself up a bit for buying here when I could have rented and made it so much easier to go back to the UK - but as my mate said yesterday, we don't have a crystal ball, so there's no point in regretting the way I did it.

Had a busy morning - paid for the ferry and the removalist, and scanned utility bills through to the agent who will arrange to have the accounts closed down. But am now completely stressing about the car because the removalist said it's illegal to drive it across Europe without MOT or tax, which technically is true - but i can't get Italian MOT without changing the plates; and I can't get tax without an MOT, which you can only get in the UK. So, I've got no choice but to drive it and then get it to an MOT Centre - and just hope nothing happens on the way...
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Typical that you're in a catch22 with the car, things can be so awkward at times can't they! You're used to driving over there so sure you'll be fine.. You do realise that you're going to have to get on here as soon as possible once you're back in the UK to let us all know you're ok:) and I mean that Sis! X
You're used to driving over there so sure you'll be fine.. You do realise that you're going to have to get on here as soon as possible once you're back in the UK to let us all know you're ok:) and I mean that Sis! X

Aww thanks sis, I will do! Hopefully I'll be up and running with t'internet straight away. Three have a great SIM only deal for £25 with 100GB data, 30GB of which I can tether to my laptop :). Saves getting the landline reconnected, etc.

What's your leaving date

20 October, arriving 23 October.

Had a nice coffee then lunch out with friends today, then home for a snooze for 40 minutes, and now will tackle the bed linen - I have too many duvet sets, so am going to reduce them right down!
That's a brill deal, my grandson's is 4g for £25.. but it included the phone..he could do with the deal you're getting as I always have to put at least a one add on of 1g at £7 a go! I think the contract is up around Christmas. X
That brillant...and karma
I've just heard from my old manager, she said to definitely apply - but she's leaving, and the other two members of the comms team have left - so there's something going on. But it's worth a shot! Gosh I'm so excited!

My agent friend is also coming in an hour to take pics of the house, so better tidy up!
Wow, as Tippy says..that is Karma.:) X
Amazing isn't it? Well if I do say so myself, I've written and submitted a cracking application - fingers crossed! Meanwhile I'll keep visualising myself there! :).

Been a really good day. The pics of the house look great, I'll send the link through when it's live on Rightmove tomorrow. Also got all the bed linen sorted and am giving a whole lot to the local kennels, so that's another thing off the list.
Oh that makes you're leaving so much more real. It's a lovely house with amazing views, you must have been over the moon to buy it. Hope someone comes along soon and puts in an offer, the rooms look a really good size..I'd love to own a place in the sun:) X
Perfect for me but in the wrong country