Day 29 (well in an hour or so). Can't believe I will nearly be at the 30 day mark. Another goal to tick off, 30 days of this diet is no easy achievement that's for sure. Today, I have been trying to drink more water - and wow its hard. I really don't feel like it and have to really force myself to drink. Every week, the pharmacy is telling me I need to drink more water and I know that it will be the same tomorrow - arrghh. What to do? Today, was my parent's anniversary - and they went out for dinner and I think its so weird, I asked them in minute detail about what they had to eat and drink - from every course. It's like I get some kind of weird pleasure from listening to other people's food stories. Its bizarre. Today, I spent most of the day throwing away clothes and sorting through what fits and what doesn't. I must have thrown away about 2 black bin bags of clothes. It was quite a drastic step. Usually I have a variety of sizes of jeans, big ones for when I have been bigger, smaller ones from skinnier days and a variety of sizes. Throwing away the bigger sizes was quite hard - I mean what if I put the weight back on. I suppose I was saying to myself that I'm not going to put that weight back on so why do I need those clothes as a back up. My work trousers are too big now and I am close to fitting into my skinny (well smaller) work trousers - they are a bit tight right now, but over the next two weeks they should fit properly. It's funny, everything is either too big or too small right now. Luckily I have about 2 weeks before I go back to work - and hopefully this will give me the chance to sort out my wardrobe malfunction. I'm not quite ready to go shopping for new clothes - I always find it so demoralising! Yes I have lost weight but really in the grand scheme of things I am still overweight and still going to struggle with clothes. Right now, I don't need those kind of changing room set backs - I'd rather leave it a bit longer. I am looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow, even though I find the comments of the pharmacists so lacking sometimes. One of them even said to me without thinking, well if you're feeling down just have some food - and then corrected herself, I mean water she said. It was funny, I guess.