Suz's weight loss diary - struggling this week :(

hey girls sorry not been on as ive been working and have gone comepletely awol on ww!! BUT me and a few friends shall be restarting in the new year so am looking forward to that now and just enjoying a few festive treats while i can. havent weighed myself in days but really should tomorrow so i can see what damage ive done! may stop from munching everything.
Hi hun
I am in the same boat as you im going to re start a class when i get back from my hols. How are you and the family? x
Morning gem :) how are you hunni? Shall pop across to your diary shortly.
Well haven't weighed myself this morning again! Think I'm in denial lol
keep feeling guilty but I'm going to try really hard to try and maintain til the new year, need to go food shopping so shall buy some stuff to make 0 pt butternut squash soup which may help me claw back so points desperately! Hate not following the plan, felt so positive too that this time I'd made the change for life but im not convinced at all!

Roll on new year I say! Valentines day challenge shall be started and I will get to my 9.7 goal which I thought was impossible only few months ago.

Have a good day everybody x
If you can stay under 10st till new year that will be a great acheivement! x
it would my dear but the rate im consuming food i shall be over! making some soup tomorrow so theres no excuse then lol
Morning all! Heck it's freezing!! Have no plans to venture out today so shall be stopping in where it's all toasty and warm.

Wi day tomorrow so am keeping everything crossed for a sts, the best result I can hope for I think.

Bought some strawberry pop tarts yesterday at asda and had 2 this morning but at 7 pts they weren't really worth it although they were a nice change from boring toast.
Enjoy a nice warm day in hun, im at work today . I need to be as had a big spend up this week. New ugg boots :) New Esprit duck feather coat :)
Hope L is doing ok to xx
Hi Suz good luck for your WI, when is it??

Enjoy a nice warm day in hun, im at work today . I need to be as had a big spend up this week. New ugg boots :) New Esprit duck feather coat :)
Hope L is doing ok to xx
Ooh new ugh boots! What did you get? I've got some tan knee length ones and they are the best-expensive but nothing compares to the comfort, wouldn't mind some little black ankle ones from father Xmas- well maybe with the money my pa gives me :) L is fine, keeping me up all night with teething but other than that he's good thanks x

Hi Suz good luck for your WI, when is it??

oh it's tomorrow morning! Have not done ww properly for a month so have tried to do the maintaining thing this week, so shall see if it has worked tomorrow x
Well you have done fabulously so far and you can always, if you need to get back to it in the NY. I'm sure you will be fine.

Sorry to hear about the teething problems. Glad we dont remember that pain.

Yeah shall be back to it in the new year, few friends at work are going to join me so that will be good for keeping me away from the vending machines lol
Very nice gem :)
Hope you are having a good weekend x :)
Weigh in today???
Im sure you will be fine hun, we are all just clinging on to the hope of staying the same till xmas is over i think! x
morning my lovelies! well im a very happy bunny today-never been so pleased for the scales to say that ive sts! was my aim all week so i dont feel in the slightest bit dissapointed! have had lots of little treats and not pointed anything but just generally being careful but also enjoying a little festive yummies! already had a bit of yummy xmas cake to celebrate haha.

was planning on going to my inlaws today on the coast but the snow here has stopped that idea, was really looking forward to it too. we'll see them xmas day though as were staying over there xmas day night and spending boxing day with them :)

hope everyone else enjoys there sunday :)
wowsa! just checked my stats on my sig and this is the FIRST ever sts iv had!!
even more of a happy bunny now i as did it on purpose lol

suz x
Evening folks :)
very quiet on here today isn't it! Well me and Lucas had apj day and have had a really nice day together, dh was working and this is the best day Lucas has had in a week, he's teething so everyday he's been grumpy but today we had fun and he was all smiles :)
am dreading trying to drive to work tomorrow, let alone trying yo get Lucas to my mums as she lives on a hill and not sure mycar will make it :( feel ill thinking about that already :(
Oh no, fingers crossed and good vibes your way on the car tomorrow!

Good work on STS. I am hoping to either STS or have a little loss by the time we go back for WI on the 9th of Jan. Hoping that lack of exercise will not halt this.

That's great that you and the little man had a lovely day. How many teeth are through now?
