Welcome back suz,when you said you had a horrible gain i expected to see a really horrible figure pop up but 10st 3lb is nothing!!! I so cant believe that not every 12 fits you,im only 3 inches taller than you & every 12 fits & even some roomy 10s! & at the mo im 10st 7lb.
hey charly! how are you? do you know even when i got on the scales i was expecting a real bad number cos i feel so blobby

you know what i mean, like my clothes are all digging in and i truly cant fit in every 12, usually at the mo its a 14 and because of that ive not bought ANY new clothes in ages cos im not in the right frame of mind.
Evening Suz (I put Sux then

- Hope you had a wonderful birthday, sorry I'm a bit late on that one, I saw it on facebook that it was your birthday but got completely side tracked (playing blackjack) and forgot to get back to you.
8lb to go then.. woohoo... Go girly!
Have a lovely week. xxx
oh i hope so, doesnt sound alot does it that 8lbs but right now its feels like everest! think a little trip down memmory lane may be needed me thinks! maybe re-reading my diary from the start will show me i have changed? we shall see!
Welcome back!!!

wondered where you ha
d gone! tbh if you haven't been following WW since April a small gain like that is nothing! well done hun, hope the restart is going well and hope everything is good for you!

thankyou hunni, ive been around on fb and that just not here or actively following WW, i even bought a new WW cookbook about 2 months ago as a girl at work who started the same time as me last september has lost 4 st and has completely kicked butt, she brought the fabulous and filling book in and i loved the recipies!
Hey Suz
Lovely to have you back
Belated happy birthday hun!!
You'll have those 8lbs gone in no time
thankyou for your confidence! x
well sorry ive not bobbed on over the last few days, hubby has been away to london with work and the little fella keeps me on my toes he does! in fact im still having a hard time at night with him, so while im off work on a/l im trying the sleep training and last night was the first night. he woke up at 2.30am and finally stopped crying anf fell asleep at 5.40am, woke again at 7.30 so i gave him a drink of milk and he fell back asleep eventually until 9.45, i prey tonight is better!
ww ive been rubbish, too much temptation is around after my birthday and iv virtually scoffed the lot :sigh: so i dont deserve to loose weight this week at all. going food shopping tomorrow so shall make a concious effort to buy nice fresh stuff and tobe good! may be too late this week though!
suz x