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How's everyone's Friday going? I'm doing a Linda McCartney sausage casserole for lunch
Hi everyone I've been at Slimming World since the start of October (but it's my 3rd time round!) after having an op earlier this year I'm finding the losses are coming very slowly BUT at least they are coming!! I'd appreciate any buddies too
That's great fabu-less My weight loss is coming slowly but I'm not disheartened and I know eventually I will get all my excess weight off and that will be a brilliant day indeed
Hi can I join? I'm allison and in 30 with three daughters! Here to do this again (!!) for the last time hopefully x
Hey. This looks like a friendly and helpful thread. Would you mind if I joined too? I am also jumping back on the wagon. Been in Slimming World for about 2 years on and off. Lost 3 stone and put back on 2. Now desperately trying to lose another 2. Would love to share my journey with you all. ?
Oh join us Molly and let us know how you are doing I've got 11 1/2 stone to lose so my journey will be longer but it will be the best thing I do in my life I've went from needing to take 10 tablets a day 3 years ago to taking none now and I've only lost 4 1/2 stone in total I'm hoping for a new lease of life and knees that don't hurt me when I've lost it all
How is everyone getting on? Xx
Do you keep a diary Hun?? Juice plus is great for boasting health but not really the best diet plans x x
That is incredible! Massive well done to you!!! I got my 1/2 stone award last night so that's made me happy we will all get there in the end xx