I have just enjoyed some lovely slimming world chips so thought id explain how i do them

before you start, put your oven on gas mark 6/7 and place a baking tray in there to heat up
1.peel your potatoes and cut them into the shapes you want
2. place them in a pan and cover with boiling water from a boiled kettle
3. boil them on a high heat for 8 minutes, after the eight minutes test how soft they are from sticking a knife or fork in them, if they are not soft enough boil for them for the next few mins
4. when they are soft enough drain half of them in a colander and shake quite hard until they go soft and fluffy.
5.when you have fluffed them up get the heated tray out of the oven and spray with fry light quite a lot! pour the fluffed up potatoes on the tray and spread them out.
6. now get the other half of the potatoes and shake them hard in the colander again and then transfer to the same baking tray.
7.put them on the top tray in the oven for about 20 mins, after the 20 mins go and take them out and flip them all over and then spray again with fry light.
8. wait another 10/20 mins and then they will be ready.
if this does not work then i dont know what will haha!
hope this helps x