Gold Member
I'm confused about how they are not free? They are potatoes with frylight - i'm not even sure how yoy'd syn it seeong as none of the ingredients have syn values on EE or Green. Could i do a red day and hexb them!?!?
They are not free because these will be mostly eaten as a snack (the same with the lasagne crisps), and because they are so dried out in cooking, they will not be as filling as a potato cooked in it's normal way as part of meal and usually with a 1/3 superfree. Slimming World is about maximising filling foods. Eating these does the complete opposite.
Just look at it this way, would you go into a supermarket buy a packet of baked crisps and eat them without counting the syns? this unfortunately isnt any different.
SW set these rules to make the plan work for us, they have to have some guidelines to follow and because the plan doesnt involve any weighing or counting of calories, these rules are there to make sure we are not eating more than our body physically needs, which is when you are likely to not lose weight or at worse even experience a gain.
Some may say they eat these as free and still lose weight, but be aware that this might not be the case for everyone and SW's advice is that these must be synned as if using a potato on a Original day, regardless of which plan you are doing. If you give 100% to the plan then you get 100% percent back, start adding up all the little tweaks which trust me do eventually add up, then you would be surprised just how many extra syns you might be consuming.
I am sorry to be a party pooper, but I do dislike seeing posts encouraging members to do things against SW's advice, especially when there might be members new to slimming world reading, who could easily be led off plan and then wonder why they don't lose weight.
I have made these before and synned them as advised and it really isnt all that bad syn wise for a nice treat/snack. I would much rather stick to the plan 100%.