Silver Member
Well done!
Mcdonalds was 20 I think so not brilliant but I craved it so bad and really enjoyed it.
Thank you Sugar Fairyx
U both look lovely what is staple food hun x
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I eat a lot of potatoes - make chips with 1 cal spray, boiled, baked, mash, roast etc. 1pp every 50g
I love crisps like quavers, wotsits, pombears, squares, sunbites - 3pp each
also a lot of chicken based products from Birdseye like - inspirations 8pp, burgers 3pp, fingers 3 for 5pp, popcorn chicken 9pp
pasta and rice 1pp per 10g & then dolmio sauces are around 2-3pp
salad which is mainly free apart from
sweetcorn which is 1pp for 30g and cheese 3pp for 25g & etc.
trifle & cheesecake pots are 4pp - have them
quite often
wraps for lunch are normally around 4pp
pizza is quite high in points, depends which one but I usually have around half a pizza for 11pp and some salad or whatever that's the dr.oetker ones
bacon is 2pp for one rather so you can make like bacon and chicken salad, pasta, sandwich, omelette, mini fry up etc.
I don't eat much bread or butter or oil because it's really pointy or full fat drinks
oh & the occasional chocolate bar too, which is on average 5-6pp
that's all I basically eat haha!